Time to get some advice.. Whats the best thing to do?


New Member
Ok guys... I have researched and researched and my head hurts. I am currently in the process of finishing my grow room. 10 ft. wide, 5 ft. deep area that is completed insulated. I will be using a 1000w HPS, vented hood on both ends, with glass that fully encloses the fixture. Should i pull air out and make very difficult cuts through drywall and a wooden exterior? should I pull air in and push air out, both with temperature controls on each fan? (and have two difficult cuts?)

Or can I control the heat in this area with one of these 1000btu non vented a/c i keep seeing?

I just dont know what kind of temps I can expect (and then winter approaching) makes this even more difficult to figure out.

I really want to avoid having to do any venting cuts, but realize this may be a neccesity, as I want this to be optimal.

Any ideas? Suggestions? Please help me out. :bigjoint: