Time 'til Harvest


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow grower/smokers....I'm on day 39 of 12/12(actually I've dropped the dark to 11/13) and my plant I'd say has about 10 to 15% red hairs...my question is how long do you think until I get to 70%???? I know I have about 3 weeks left but I just want to make sure my plant's on schedule with the usual 8/9 weeks...I think it might take a little longer but I'll see what you guys think....all thoughts appreciated


Well-Known Member
It does??? well thats a plus..I don't have any other plants,just the one, so I don't really have a comparison..and I still havn't found anybody I could borrow a camera from...I wish I had pics so I could show you guys/gals all the crazy stuff that I've been talking about for the past month or so...at about 39 days what percentage did you have???

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey smoke?

do you think it has too many? or not enough red hairs..?

Usually, 50-60% of the hairs turn in the last week of flowering..



Well-Known Member
I was thinking not enough but I also didnt know the that 50-60% turn in the last week either...I changed it to 11hrs light 13 dark I guess just simulate shorter and shorter nights...I've heard of people dropping below that but I stopped at 13


Uses the Rollitup profile
Well, people that drop the hours of light during flowering haven't read Marijuana Botany, by Rob Clarke. He cites research that says that "twice as much THC is produced under a 12-hour photoperiod than under a 10-hour photoperiod." Read that again...

Basically, light is what causes THC production and cannabinoid biosynthesis, so we want to give our plants as much light as we can, as long as it's less than the critical daylength of the strain, which is what keeps it flowering.

From years of experience, we know that 12 hours of dark will keep them in flowering, so for best results you want to give them at least that, not less.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
also, at the very end you should soak the shit outta them, then keep the lights out for 36 - 48 straight hours. It'll help fatten up the buds just a little extra. Plants only feed at night, so 2 straight days of night at the end could give ya a tad extra, goodluck!


Well-Known Member
So if I change it back to 12/12 would it slow or stress any of the progress??? Thanks ferncakes I'll definetly try that...I've heard this before and I actually read something were a person kept his off for the last 2 WEEKS just to up the resinous layer that the plant uses for protection...Thanks for the comments everyone


Active Member
You seem to know what your talking about!Back in Feb i bought ten seed online and planted them, when i started to flower them i realised that only one of them was female and was painfully slow to grow even with the correct lighting etc it took me nearly ten weeks to get to a decent size before i could start to flower it.
Now nearly ten weeks into flowering and I have many small buds all over the plant with about ten to fifteen hairs over them but they dont seem to be getting much bigger and i always assumed that a plant was really strong smelling at this point but mine isnt.
Also the hairs are a browny colour is this a bunk plant or should i give it more time?
Please advise!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ryanon121 ,
what kind of lights are you using, what size are your containers,
-Small containment could mean a rootbound plant
-Lack of light produces smaller amounts of flowers, wrong spectrum of light produces smaller flowers
-Fertilizers, both lack of and excess, could contribute to problems
- Pistils that change color are normal, it is normal for them to look brown but if you really look it is more of an amber, and this is what you are looking for along with your trichromes (crystals) to become cloudy or milky


i was watching online youtube this show that tours growrooms in canada and he recomends 14 hours of light last 4 weeks of flower for awesome thc production im going to try it starting tomarrow im in week four today so we'll see how it goes