time non existent


Well-Known Member
about a year ago i had a weird dream which set me into deep depression and guilt. after the dream i was thinking holy shit, i have to have felt that. like there was no other way my life could have went. it scared the shit out of me and gave me lots of anxiety. just the fact that the whole universe is already planned and we are just experiencing it. it really scared me. until a few weeks ago, while on a DXM trip i realized that it could be real. then i started getting weird signs that i was right. and if it's true then only god would know it. but some how i know. and i don't really know what to do. at first i was hoping to tell a scientist and they somehow prove it then that's what would start the whole "2012" awakening. Do you think it could be true? if so what do you think i should do? i'd love for it to be this massive awakening for all of man kind. Like sort of the ending of the concept of time. I was really hoping i could save the world, but now i'm starting to realize that it doesn't seem that possible. IDK i guess we will find out.

BTW i only realized it could be right after about a day of two of being on DXM. sorta like a DXM trip but only using 2 116ml bottles through out the two days.
And I am currently in a so called "insane asylum" called Osowatamie. just a little fun fact. lol


Well first I don't believe in a god or a great plan. The university is almost predetermined in the fact that no one can change it. The world will end, whether it's in 2012 or 4 billion years it will end when it's time comes and new worlds will be made from our dust. We are all just star dust collecting star light.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Do tell us about your dream .... this could be Therapeutic ... for you and .... awakening for us.
Is this where you are AT ??

Osawatomie - John Brown Country



Active Member
yeah i kinda wanna hear bout this dream too.

n yeah id lay off the dxm or atleast have a good set mind before u do it.


Active Member
I'd say whatever you choose to believe and whatever happens, you shouldn't fight it but rather learn to go with it and accept it if it's something beyond your control. DMT really helped me see that, I mean I can't attribute that to DMT alone but it is definitely some kind of affirmation like that


Well-Known Member
yaaaa id say lay off the dxm for a bit when i wuss doing that shit it made me go nuts to man and stay away from the acid to lol happy smoke
He's a man looking for answers. Don't make assumptions. C'mon.



We're all where we are supposed to be, for whatever reasons, I believe. Some are lost and some are found. But whether we have destined paths to follow or we write our own stories, we all have the power to make our own choices. It works both ways. If we are following our 'plan' we still steer our own lives in the same direction as we would if our slates were clean. It's nothing to be frightened of, my friend. All destiny is, IMO, is the end result, if you get my meaning. If somehow we could peer down the hallway of our lives and see through that final doorway to the ultimate consummation of our lives - that would be our destiny. Hope that kinda makes sense.

I'm not sure about 2012, but I do sense a shift in consciousness. I think we all do. It's inevitable for us, as conscious beings, to move forward to new planes of awareness. Though I'm not sure it is new persé, but as a result of the ease of information exchange and our 'global' community, our access to alternative ideas has certainly awakened many to more positive ways of living and understanding.

And don't burden yourself with saving the world on your own, Brother. That is everyone's responsibility ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad the DXM got you out of your funk. :) As to everything else, I live my life day by day and do not feel as if anything major will happen in 2012, if it did, I wouldn't be part of this 'great awakening', if a major global event occured I wouldn't take any interest in it, and yah. I'm quite an obstinate a mellow guy. :) You should chill out and stop taking everything so seriously. :) Live your life and don't live it for others. I seriously doubt if that you can save the world from whatever great cataclysm you think will occur. If it happens it happens and you should just enjoy yourself in the meantime. The human experience is what you make of it. Make it a good one. ;)


Active Member
The mass awakening is slowly happening anyway, it is inevitable as people start to realize more and more the error of their ways because of hard physical consequences (destruction of Earth for personal gain). And honestly, if it is too late for them they'll still realize it, it just may be in the last few minutes before they die


Well-Known Member
there wuss no assumptions there i just know when i wuss on dxm i wint nuts just like this all so it happend on acid that why i stick to my green thats all that wuss said i did not assume any thing i wuss making a comparison
i dunno man....you sound kind of like a "wuss".


just playing around bro. haha

im just used to people saying "was" instead of "wuss"


Well-Known Member
man. fuck 2012. just live everyday like tomorrow it all ends. last time i tripped, i thought about it and im not worried about the world ending, the world should be worried about me ending. cause im gonna live my life and trip and get baked and just keep on keeping on. lifes a garden man, dig it.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Man 420 .... I am still waiting for your description .... as per what you have been able to tap into.
Hope things are well brother.

PS ... Hey half of Australia is under water .... is that normal ..... hmmmm



Well-Known Member
PS ... Hey half of Australia is under water .... is that normal ..... hmmmm

I was just thinking about this a few days ago when I took some DXM. About how the recent change in climate with our mother earth could almost be compared to an "A&E Intervention" show. The relatives (mother earth) just can no longer put up with their loved one (humanity) ruining both their lives so we are now moving closer and closer to the "intervention" time. Are we going to change or are we going to be forced to leave? Sorry if it's kind of off topic it's just been an analogy that I've wanted to share with someone for a while now :-|

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about this a few days ago when I took some DXM. About how the recent change in climate with our mother earth could almost be compared to an "A&E Intervention" show. The relatives (mother earth) just can no longer put up with their loved one (humanity) ruining both their lives so we are now moving closer and closer to the "intervention" time. Are we going to change or are we going to be forced to leave? Sorry if it's kind of off topic it's just been an analogy that I've wanted to share with someone for a while now :-|
LMAO. We will leave Earth eventually, in one way or another.


Well-Known Member
Well the dream was a sexual dream about my sister. I woke up and felt very guilty, then I realized that it couldn't have been anyother way. The fact of me being depressed and everything else. I denied it for a year and a half then during this "DXM trip" I realized I could be on to something. Like I can sit here and say I know for a fact that we are not in control at all. Like right after the big bang, there was a specific destination for all that energy and stuff. And having a deju trip, in my theory, is the mind trying to tell us that we are living in this constant moment in which has already happened.
And yes it is Osowatamie state hospital, and they only let me get on wensdays and fridays. LOL
But I should be out sometime during next week. Then I can get into more detail about everything, if you all would like. Peace for now.