my friends were able to get married.List all of the good things Obama has done,you start.
jesus is a fictional character.That's right,Jesus loves you.
I guess you'll find out the truth when you die but then it will be too late.jesus is a fictional character.
when you die, you will decompose in the ground.
hate to break it to ya.
This is mostly true. His essence/specter/'soul' will exist, only to be righteously tormented by myself and (many) others until his next go 'round.when you die, you will decompose in the ground.
are you really so weak and feeble that you need a fairy tale to comfort you?I guess you'll find out the truth when you die but then it will be too late.
so you don't want to make enemies or insult any of us personally, thus you call us "the devil"?I'm out,you're all pathetic
You can't argue with the devil.
Nope,I'll be here all night.
I'm out,you're all pathetic
You can't argue with the devil.
I'm at work. Coffee brewing. No I hate no one. The problem is some people see the world with blinders on. Reagan was not the second coming. And the orange one will do more damage. It seems that some religious people think that since they are going to heaven and get all new everything they seem to have little respect for others with differing views. Destroying the earth is no bid deal. I'll get a new one. Pat sez. And how about the Van Impes! When opinions affect others then it's a problem. The Hale bop people believed what they want and bothered nobody with their beliefs. Of course they are gone now. I'm all for everybody's freedom. Until it directly affects me. Then we have a problem.Do all of you just hate Trump supporters and conservatives in general.
Link?you made yourself look bad with those pathetic plants, bible thumper.
my friends were able to get married.
my mom can just go buy weed from the store now.
my 401k tripled. i can't go to the store without getting a job offer. incomes rose across the board.
the deficit was slashed by over a trillion dollars.
15 million new jobs.
america is once again the most respected nation on earth.
we killed bin laden.
got out of iraq.
my brother can get health care now, despite his pre-existing condition.
cops can no longer detain you and make you wait for a drug sniffing dog.
people i know whose parents brought them here illegally are now allowed to stay, rather than be deported to a coutnry they never knew and whose language they don't speak.
banks can no longer jack up interest rates if you miss your payment date by a day.
should i keep going, bible thumper?
They're coke heads instead.."Good people dont smoke marijuana"
This is true; I do subscribe to the possibility of dimensions, though.jesus is a fictional character.
when you die, you will decompose in the ground.
hate to break it to ya.