Time magazine person of the year.

tell us more about your financial situation.

i'm gonna guess you are unskilled, doing something like laying driveways, not college educated, living in a lily white enclave, you resent blacks, immigrants, and muslims. i bet you hate "fags" and were dead set against marriage equality. attend church every once in a while but pick and choose which parts to follow. don't make much money, no retirement plan to speak of, can't afford obamacare either.

how close am i?

don't be shy.
Well you are way off buddy.
For your information I am an investor living in a modest house even though I could afford something better.
i am happy with my life and was taught to appreciate the things I have.
how one lives their life or their lifestyle is not for me to judge,that's God's job.
I attend church on a weekly basis and am a God fearing man.
I do not hate anybody and am very passionate about my beliefs,sometimes too much.
Who a person loves or who they marry doesn't bother me in the least and is not my concern.
Tobacco only gives you cancer becuz the liberal globalists started adding carcenogens to it...just like they added flouride to our water to dumb us down!! Climate change my ass! The so-called environment doesn't exist! Almighty God makes the weatherings happen!
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Well you are way off buddy.
For your information I am an investor living in a modest house even though I could afford something better.
i am happy with my life and was taught to appreciate the things I have.
how one lives their life or their lifestyle is not for me to judge,that's God's job.
I attend church on a weekly basis and am a God fearing man.
I do not hate anybody and am very passionate about my beliefs,sometimes too much.
Who a person loves or who they marry doesn't bother me in the least and is not my concern.
You voted for a pussy grabber!
Well you are way off buddy.
For your information I am an investor living in a modest house even though I could afford something better.
i am happy with my life and was taught to appreciate the things I have.
how one lives their life or their lifestyle is not for me to judge,that's God's job.
I attend church on a weekly basis and am a God fearing man.
I do not hate anybody and am very passionate about my beliefs,sometimes too much.
Who a person loves or who they marry doesn't bother me in the least and is not my concern.

Why is it that progressive, science respecting liberals are happier people than ass backward, science denying vote-against-their-own-best-interests conservatives?
Well you are way off buddy.
For your information I am an investor living in a modest house even though I could afford something better.
i am happy with my life and was taught to appreciate the things I have.
how one lives their life or their lifestyle is not for me to judge,that's God's job.
I attend church on a weekly basis and am a God fearing man.
I do not hate anybody and am very passionate about my beliefs,sometimes too much.
Who a person loves or who they marry doesn't bother me in the least and is not my concern.

pretty close.

i bet you hate the gays and did everything you could to stop marriage equality, right? you're hoping trump overturns that one, don't ya?

and how about those muslims, eh? i bet you think they are all scum. amirite?
You voted for a pussy grabber!

good point.

@big bud 56 how does it feel knowing you voted for a guy who beat and raped his own wife? are you cool with that because the bible says it's OK?

i mean, 5 kids with three wives is pretty cool with you bible thumping types, right?

isn't there something in there about "blessed are the poor" and something about a (allegedly) rich guy like donald having no more chance of getting into heaven than a camel going through the eye of a needle?

or are you one of these buffet christians, who just picks and chooses what to believe from that dusty old fairy tale?

anyhoo, thanks again!
pretty close.

i bet you hate the gays and did everything you could to stop marriage equality, right? you're hoping trump overturns that one, don't ya?

and how about those muslims, eh? i bet you think they are all scum. amirite?
Do you have a problem with comprehending what i said?
I do not care about your sexual preference and have gay friends myself.
I do not judge anybody,that is not my job.
Who you love and marry is not my concern.
I don't care who a person loves as long as they are happy and bring love to those around them.