Time magazine article

phil k

Well-Known Member
Did anyone read this months time magazine issue on "world of pot science?" i was curious on everyones thoughts with the mice/parent experiment that took place to show the parent mice that used pots kids became addicted to herion when introduced to the offspring of the pothead mouse kids...

phil k

Well-Known Member
that probably made no sense unless you read the article.. but basically they gave mice THC for a prolonged time, gave the mice 30 days to detox then had them mate and make babies.. then they took the offspring of the pot head mice, gave them a "button test thing" where they hit one button and got a injection of a placebo and if they hit the other button they injected heroin into the neck ... well they sad the pot heads off spring went to the heroin twice as much as the non pothead offspring ..


Well-Known Member
I found the study, they're trying to scientifically prove the gateway theory.

According to this study I should be addicted to heroin because my parents smoked marijuana.
What a crock of shit. I can't believe Time magazine is publishing such trash. My parents smoked weed, cigarettes AND did opium occasionally overseas. Therefore, I ahold be a drug addled burden on society... WRONG. I smoke weed and nothing else. I don't even finish the prescriptions they give me after surgery because I hate how they make me feel- and weed works better, anyway! The jury is still out on whether I'm a burden to society...

Check out this month's issue of National Geographic. THEIR feature story on marijuana is fascinating, mostly because it's chock full of these nifty things called FACTS.


Well-Known Member
What a crock of shit. I can't believe Time magazine is publishing such trash. My parents smoked weed, cigarettes AND did opium occasionally overseas. Therefore, I ahold be a drug addled burden on society... WRONG. I smoke weed and nothing else. I don't even finish the prescriptions they give me after surgery because I hate how they make me feel- and weed works better, anyway! The jury is still out on whether I'm a burden to society...

Check out this month's issue of National Geographic. THEIR feature story on marijuana is fascinating, mostly because it's chock full of these nifty things called FACTS.
Same here man, my dad and mom were into a lot more than just marijuana, growing up in the hippie era. My dad was even addicted to heroin and my mom had a really bad cocaine addiction but marijuana is the only thing they still use. It's the only drug I've ever used and the only drug I have the desire to use (aside from wanting to experience shrooms).

Like you I don't even like to take prescription meds, I was given pain meds when I had knee surgery but I just tossed them out and got myself a potent Indica.

This isn't the Times article but this is the study they were talking about:


phil k

Well-Known Member
I found the study, they're trying to scientifically prove the gateway theory.

According to this study I should be addicted to heroin because my parents smoked marijuana.
yeah WTF i got so pissed reading the article.. the only good it even talked was twords the end of the article they spent like 1/4 of the article on all the good shit its doing the cancer cells its aiding in defeating.. i feel like that should have been the start of the article.. and the Heroin experiment is bull shit... that stuff pisses me off. even worse they say the study really means nothing in humans and more tests need to be done to see what can be effected.. all they said was its giving us new things to look at as issues with extended use.. well WHY THE HELL PUBLISH it then especially in a major magazine that you know parents and shit that vote read.

phil k

Well-Known Member
What a crock of shit. I can't believe Time magazine is publishing such trash. My parents smoked weed, cigarettes AND did opium occasionally overseas. Therefore, I ahold be a drug addled burden on society... WRONG. I smoke weed and nothing else. I don't even finish the prescriptions they give me after surgery because I hate how they make me feel- and weed works better, anyway! The jury is still out on whether I'm a burden to society...

Check out this month's issue of National Geographic. THEIR feature story on marijuana is fascinating, mostly because it's chock full of these nifty things called FACTS.
I'm going to town now.. i don't have that one I'm going to get it ... i can't wait to read it!

phil k

Well-Known Member
i always wonder with the experiments like that.. why can't the mouse just wanna go to the injector thats giving him something for the quick neck poke as opposed to going to the placebo.. i wouldn't go back to a needle that just stuck me with no reward.... if I'm getting jammed in the neck might as well be worth getting stuck, id go to the heroin needle too... but also on top of that why wouldn't the rats personal choice come into play.. they have to in some way have a feeling of "yes i like that" or "no i don't" ... i feel like its more a personality thing than a gene issue.. or at least those play a large role in the decision IMOP

phil k

Well-Known Member
maybe the ones going back to the placebo are retarted mice... and the ones going to the her ion are the normal ones who understand they are going to die and are test mice and they just wanna party till they get killed.


Well-Known Member
maybe the ones going back to the placebo are retarted mice... and the ones going to the her ion are the normal ones who understand they are going to die and are test mice and they just wanna party till they get killed.
Maybe mice are a horrible subject to study this on. As far as I know, mice don't have an impulse control. If you're weak minded, you're probably more prone to drug addictions.


Well-Known Member
Maybe mice are a horrible subject to study this on. As far as I know, mice don't have an impulse control. If you're weak minded, you're probably more prone to drug addictions.
I don't think its a week mind. Drug addiction crosses all races and all classes. It's a complicated issue.


Well-Known Member
I don't think its a week mind. Drug addiction crosses all races and all classes. It's a complicated issue.
It is a very complicated issue true, I'm not saying a weak mind is the cause of drug addiction just that you're more prone to becoming addicted to drugs if you lack impulse control and will power which is why I think mice are a horrible test subject.


Well-Known Member
It is a very complicated issue true, I'm not saying a weak mind is the cause of drug addiction just that you're more prone to becoming addicted to drugs if you lack impulse control and will power which is why I think mice are a horrible test subject.
No doubt.