Time for a change... Maybe?


Well-Known Member
What's up everybody

Just had a question on preference about Nutes

I wanna know what you guys prefer

Organic or chemical nutes?

I'd imagin if your hydro
You'd probably be going Chem

next run I plan on doing soil again
Every grow I've so far has been done with Advance nutrients. In soil or soil-less

But I have a buddy who swears if I go organic I will never wanna use advance products again

And also it's supposedly cheeper(I like cheep )

What's your Guys input

Also show your work (if you clame something's better than the other... Gotta have pics to back it :D)

N let's keep any debates civil :)


Well-Known Member
I think using anything besides advanced nutes would save you money. If you want to go soil then you should go organic, IMO. If you want hydro, I'd say just go the chemical route but a cheaper brand such as dyna gro.


Well-Known Member
I think using anything besides advanced nutes would save you money. If you want to go soil then you should go organic, IMO. If you want hydro, I'd say just go the chemical route but a cheaper brand such as dyna gro.
An is pretty pricey . An yeah I'd be going soil or soilless(perlite vermiculite


Well-Known Member
I ran organic this run. Best tasting and looking buds Ive ever had. Humbodlt Organinc nutrients was my pick. good Luck with whichever you chose.


Well-Known Member
I like growing organic too. I use Roots Uprising Grow and Bloom. And I use Fox Farms Big Bud as well. Other than bennies and cal/mag (which I use coconut water for) thats about all I use and I love the great taste and simplicity of it all.
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Well-Known Member
I run advanced and I'm happy with my results . Do a side by side test of clones ...! Only way to tell the true difference for yourself and your opinion not the Internets . Whichever you go with .


Well-Known Member
I have used AN products in the past, and they do what they say they are going to do, but I find that organic is the best for taste and potency.