All those yellow leaves telling you the chron is nearly done. Im harvesting next week, been meaning to get some pics of my church up.
yes. when he called i heard him ask is wife if i had called,i heard her say yes i called you and said jeff called. his excuss was oh i have another friend jeff i thought it was him that called me... i told the stupid fucker well any other day of the week you would have called to check up on things like you have in the past.
not shaby for growing nothing for 2 years..plus shit wuz upgraded in stages.. all started w/ 2 cutting in a cup of water ...and me hanging the 600hid first.. Thanks RJ..
Heres the pics as promised..turned lights off for yalls viewing pleasure...Vid 2 come...
edit..fuck ya my boy with the big op is harvesting in 2weeks..and he said yesterday , my girlfriend and me..can help trim for like two bills a day 2-3 days or medicine of equal value...i wuz estatic..guess will see if he hold true cause i figure that like a grand between me and my old ladie if it goes for 2-3days
well, on a positive note, Big Bud isn't very good so you're not getting hurt that bad
not true. big bud is one of my top strains and have let go for 10 weeks b4 and never did i even see a pod.I heard the bigbud strain has a tendency a bit hermie after 60 days in flowering....I wouldn't worry... just look for the pollen sacs if there are any left
yes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im pretty sure that must be wat im seein casue i never saw any flowers...these must be pollen sacs not seeds..do they look similiar..??? i searched this topic..and much comes up as far as big bud hermieing like u say at this point..hasnt effectign any other plants..next watering is flushing time..lets c im at 8 days shy of 60 so 52 days