TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

Thaks RJ...c u in ur thread shortly
Nice work your beccoming a master bongsmilie
Dude i feel u. i dont even like leaving my house to go to wallmart..while the lights are running.. my pittie..he likes to chew cause he has seperation anxiety..like we do with our plants..my caregiver thats going huge.. u shouldve seen his face when i tryed to get him to leave his house and come to mine yesterday.. he was like ...well you'll just have to be home all day..cause i dont call to let people know im leaving my house..i will just show up randomly, so no 1 , i mean no 1 knows im not home...i think were all like this..suks cause it does prohibit vacactions..but we will work it out ya i hope i get a fat yield.. i think the elb is still feasible.. i only have to pull 1.5 zips per plant or something close.. Im crossing these old knuckles..I should have used the screen name "the knuckle" its an old work joke between friends..but my buddy calls me the knuckle..like knuckle deep..or it aint gay unless its past the first knuckle..Dont let that knuckle fuck ya:-|
your girls are looking better every day... it is getting close to that time.. you should definatly get a fat yield from them... i agree the yellowing is prolly due to the spray... its funny when all the plants start doing that... grow rooms are the only place it can be summer and fall all year around.. wish it was like that in real life... i can do without winter....

yeah we will have to hook up sometime when timing is better... i have to get my house locked down like fort knox before that tho... id be a nervous wreck leaving my place for a weekend let alone a week or something... between my pups and my girls i would prolly lose it...
hell ya 300 clones thats some shit..but i was thinking like 20-30 in a rubbermaid tub or cooler..Fuck 300 get a truck topper shit, how ur day Jer..u c anymore webbing..sorry to even bring that up..heheh..did it fk em up..are ur leaves yellowing from the application..how deep is the knuckle?
haha what my buddy used to do to transport 300 clones is.............................. take a cake tray, and just black out the plastic cover and there ya go... a clone mover.
oh i definatly think you'll make the bow no prob... bet those tops will weigh about 14grams a piece when all is said and done... they look dense as fuck... bet they feel that way too...

i definatly have seperation annxiety... i hate leaving my house at all... for any real extended period of time.. im good for like and hour or two.. but after that i get antsy.. i just really enjoy being at home i guess... plus my pits are the same way... if i dont keep them entertained they will find something of mine to chew to entertain themselves... they arent so bad anymore... they used to be... the big black one got into a bag of mine once... prolly ate a half ounce of some mids... it fucked him up bad... like he was staggering around drunk style... well i mean... imagine eating a brownie that had a half ounce worth of weed in it... i can handle a lotta weed but that is pushin it a little... he hasnt ever gotten into my stashes again.. but he loves to eat stems and every once and a while i give him little buds.. all three of my dogs like weed actually... its cool shit..

but yeah i wouldnt sweat getting a pound.. i feel confident in your grow to say you get 1 1/4 pounds... yes regis that is my final answer...

oh... and ill be ok with 10 clones... hell im going to have to make a mini nursery for them as is.. i couldnt imagine trying to move 300 clones!
I haven't had my house unattended for more then a few hours...at least since last year? The upside to constant pain is the ability to be home everyday.....I have been an a perscription holiday for a week or so...I think im gonna get myself fuct up today. I wouldn't mind cutting the pain killers out but not now. The best thing about having pot all the time is the reduction in pills it takes to reduce the pain...studies need to be done on supplementing pain killers with weed. latter slippery
I haven't had my house unattended for more then a few hours...at least since last year? The upside to constant pain is the ability to be home everyday.....I have been an a perscription holiday for a week or so...I think im gonna get myself fuct up today. I wouldn't mind cutting the pain killers out but not now. The best thing about having pot all the time is the reduction in pills it takes to reduce the pain...studies need to be done on supplementing pain killers with weed. latter slippery

im on unemployment right now.. its like a paid vacation.. the sad thing is i make more on unemployment than i would if i did have a job... at least in my field of work... hell id need to make 14 or so an hour starting to make what i do right now a week not working... and thats a lot for where i live... time to open a new restaurant...

but i completely agree about pain.. it definatly takes mine away.. broke my left ankle when i was 12.. just happened to be the growing plate.. so my leg quite growing... its like a 1/2" or so shorter than my right leg... so it throws off everything else... legs hips and back pain all the time.. rather smoke than take pills for sure tho...
enjoy your vacation bro..
bro holy fuck they got huge since i last seen them you will be getting your lb for sure maybe 1.5 lbs + rep
that would set me st8 if i pull dat...i got ur trash bag in affect..tryn it out..seems unsightly..but effective at this point...cracked garage door now 2 when im here..2in crack by 20ft..u know ..ill be stoked to pull an elb..but im gonna do a room swap around.. 2 small of a build in...not really for the lights (3 lamps) sake but the heat its in..all i need to do is wait 3 weeks..pull it...re build..and blam sick 2nd grow journal..

I feel u guys on the not working thing..economy suks and so do the jobs in the paper..cause employers have the upperhand now..w/ so many to choose from..im fuking hating it..jsut guessing in2 the future and if i can handle the finaces..kid on the way in 2 months..and a 3yr old. hey least my girls workin ft...but that'll come 2 a end soon..im determined to make 'this' work.

thanks slip..
hope this does the trick for the time being:twisted:

:clap::lol::clap::lol::clap: not sure which i want to do!! believe me i know how unsightly it is... it looks sooo trailer style... but it really does work... and will contain the heat and direct it... at least until you can rebuild...

i definatly think that if you are down for the additional work and can fix the heat issues rebuilding is a good idea... its always one thing when we close our eyes and imagine how it will be... and how it actually turns out... but when it comes down to it you never know how your original environment will react to the newly introduced one... trial and error shit... i will say though it does have a certain homeade quality, a certain stoner appeal... bongsmilie <-- took one for you
thanks brother..and ur right.. i would have never known boxing those lights in that 7x7 could put heat up this much..and its also to do with the fact i should have plumed exhaust to exterior sources and intake from the begining but that calls for precise siding and roofing cuts, that have to be flashed and done right.. i think thats key..once i have a couple of those to work off of ...its simply some framing..dude my guy had this idea too i liked: wire ur box with a double pole breaker , bring 240 in ...... wire a heavy duty pool timer ....wire that to 4 recepticles..and blam..all ur timers for ur lights..he runs 2 of these pool timers..and all of his 1000watters thro this...at the 240 ballast plug in ..keeps bill down..and easy way to time ur shit out.
your guessin 1 1/4 pounds sampson... im gonna guesss.......... about 2.. im looking at about 2, and are setups are similar. but im SoG at the moment, and you just have 9 bigguns..

the mites are gone i think.. i dont care though as long as i get this crop off.. take some off time to fix it up..
im gonna go grab a couple of those fucking hot shot strips you were talkin about.

i havnt been on lately either. its been fucking beautiful out, so ive been wasting time drinking out in the sun all day, smoking bhudda with the locals.... bout to catch up on shit Pe@ce yall
and for a casing around the AC.. i was thinking just use aluminum, its one of the best heat conductors.. idk just spittin it out..
im thinkn no..just for ur lights and maybe fans if there runnin the same.
does each thing that uses a timer still have their own timer though??
that would be tits UPPPP. that would allow me the room 2 do some improves..caint wait 2 c week 6...
your guessin 1 1/4 pounds sampson... im gonna guesss.......... about 2.. im looking at about 2, and are setups are similar. but im SoG at the moment, and you just have 9 bigguns..

the mites are gone i think.. i dont care though as long as i get this crop off.. take some off time to fix it up..
im gonna go grab a couple of those fucking hot shot strips you were talkin about.

i havnt been on lately either. its been fucking beautiful out, so ive been wasting time drinking out in the sun all day, smoking bhudda with the locals.... bout to catch up on shit Pe@ce yall

and for a casing around the AC.. i was thinking just use aluminum, its one of the best heat conductors.. idk just spittin it out..
thanks for stoppn in Tunda..thanks i luv them 2
nice plants man
im pushing for 2 myself... but... wait... let me think about this for a second... i am renigging my guess... im saying 2.5 lbs... yes... that is what i really really think...
ohhh that would be soo nice..give me the room to smoke my medicine..pay my bills , and re config my set up..would be absolutly perf..i hope 2.5..i will pray nightly 2 the trichrome god...justin im sure thatll work..aluminum would be sick..kinda like sampson and me were discussing...could make something lil cleaner...riveting aluminum to the back and making a casing with a vent would prob work..this is short term...to control it..untill i buy a huge portable..and re design the whole room..im thinking 11x11 instead of 7x7..then a veg room around 7x7 .
the hardest part about the aluminum would just be making clean bends in it.. but it would work really well.. the trash bag is the trailer park way of fixing it... sorta like wrapping an aluminum can around a muffler hole... doesnt look pretty but works..

speakin of, hows it workin so far bro?? temps stayin down yet?? well garage temps are least.. whats the grow room at since im askin anyways?
lights on steady at 77-80..lights off like 70 ..for the last couple days so far.. im gonna be up a midnight inspecting the trash bag..and monitering temps.. i notice if i crack the garage door a couple inches whenever im hear..it helps tremendously..but the trash bag should help the garage temps which will help op temps thro passive intake...and cracking the garage creates that negitive pressure thro there..bring in fresh air..or is that positive pressure..? im ripped
i T waz up. woz the girls 2night. what ever it is your happening bro.bring in all the freash air that you can.