TileMasters 1000w 9 plants*mixed strains from clone*medigrow

okay..so 12 12 runs from midnight to 12.. i tested fired a/c yesterday, and it was silent. so i felt no need to set my alarm to midnight.. i awoke at 130am to piss and i thought i would check..it was 95-100 degrees in the grow..(thank god i found out an 1hr in) ..a.c blowin hot air from my shoebox design, not lettn it breath i assume. i hastly removed casing around a/c..garage is back to hot..but op is down to 78 with 3 lights burning. Fuck. anyways i also cut a test whole this morning below water heater, and it does go to basement crawl space..air down there is fresh and cool...like 60 degrees..

so i still need to figure out if i can vent and supress my ac 's sound without affecting its intergrity..? put in a call to a heating and pluming friend..nextly i need to figure out how to blow that cool air from the crawl space throught the hole i cut..so its not drifing passivly, i want it flowing in..any ideas...[/QUOTE]

ok.. here is a more detailed explanation of what i did to my a/c... it worked great...

i cut the bottom of a thick ass garbage out... i then tapped one of the open ends around the back of the a/c so that the air intakes on the side could still breath... so now, if the garbage back wasnt cut open and the a/c was on, it would fill up the garbage bag like a hot air ballon.. now since the bag is open on both sides it wont fill up, but i want to make sure it makes sense... now i took the other open end of the garbage bag and tapped it around the exhaust duct i had... ran that to duct to an exhaust fan.. and ran duct from the exhaust fan out of the room.... this meant the a/c could breath, which by the way i feel like a complete ASSHOLE because it didnt even occur to me, but all the heat was sucked out... now after i got it all done up and tapped up and turned the a/c on the bag would inflate, and i was using a 300 cfm to pull the heat away from it.. it worked perfectly...

esentially i built a "box" that only enclosed the exhaust part of the a/c... but the box was actually a garbage bag... i really think it will work for you... since you already have the exhaust duct ran you might as well try... it will allow your a/c to breath while still directing the heat away from it... plus it will be easy for you to try without having to move around anything..

1) cut bottom out of garbage bag..
2) tape one open end of the bag around the perimeter of the back of the a/c so the exhaust blows into the bag
3) tape other open end of bag around exhaust duct

at least it's something to try.. plus like i said you dont have to move anything from where its at... all you need is a garbage bag and some duct tape...

i really do feel like an ass tho... my bad bro... cant believe i didnt think about it before... hope this new idea works tho...
Here is a post that i found...I think this will help you also...He sets up AC in a closet without a window. This is from his post


Follow these exact instructions and you WONT be dissapointed.

1. Go to Home Depot.
2. Bring Money
3. Purchase the following:

> 1 x 5000 btu (assuming your a closet or grow tent grower) A/C window unit - $99.00
> 1 x Flexible AC duct vent tubing - the bendy kind (be sure to get more length than you need!, think they sell minimum 25 feet)
> 1x Roll of strong tape

>1x carbon filter sheet - in the air con filter isle. Bout $7

Price : $140 bucks max.

4. Drive Home.
5. Get Home and Light Up (very important!)
6. Now I know what your thinking "farmermonkey, i gots me an AC window unit, but i grow in the closet with no window"...fear not. Just unpack your AC Unit and trust the farmermonkey.
7. Heres the fun part (aside from lighting up). Break the polystyrene that came with your AC unit box, and make a 2" FLAT padded surface, use tape to hold it all together if necessary.
8. Use either the AC box, or a slightly bigger box if possible and turn the box on its side (top open end facing sideways).
9. Slide a/c unit half way into box so that the external vents that would normally be outside the window are inside the box.
10. Close the flaps, using scissors and tape to cut the box to fit snuggly around the ac unit - essentially you are creating an air tight box for the back AC that would normally be outside venting the hot air - use tape to close off any gaps.
11. Cut a circle on one side (doesnt matter which) of the box to slide about 1-2 inches of the AC tubing in. Tape any gaps.
12. Almost done. Pick up your new AC box unit and place it ON TOP of the polystyrene flat surface you made. This will absorb the vibration from the AC unit start up. (genius no? lol)
13. Position unit ontop of polystyrene surface in your grow room and plug it in.
14. IMPORTANT!! Talk to your plants and explain what exactly you are doing - be sure to introduce the AC unit to the plants, and your plants to the AC unit. The AC unit can be a little scary to your plants :razz:
15. (optional part). Tape 1 piece of carbon filter to the end of the AC tube, or connect a carbon filter etc. Gets rid of any smell as the ac unit sucks in air from your grow room)
16. Place tube to bottom of cloest door (tape it or whatever) or to any outlet to the outside world.
simpsonsampson....but isnt that garbage bag deal essensially the same idea i wuz using..? i mean does the bag, vs.. plywood make the diff.? and slipp...unless the carboard is different from the plywood..like a garabage bag...which i dont know yet...it would do the same thing ...unless its my ac unit i dunno..ac unit from the back looks like a big radiator..but the sides also have slits up and down it...fk im still not sure...

i gotta a cordless jigsaw finally, so ill cut a bigger whole in my floor for intake..any suggestions on how to push that air so its not just passive?
I think your box essentially suffocates the a/c unit as the bag is just hangin off the back (not covering the fins on top and side). This idea of mr simpsons is a great idea... didnt use it (yet anyways) b/c my garage is not effected by a/c so far it warms up a bit but the grow room stays cool. My a/c probubly turns on every 15 mins lights on and just a couple times throughout the day when the lights are off. My ladys day time is our nite time cause it gets hot as motha out here. HTH
with my idea the only thing that is covered by the bag is the very back of the a/c... around where the exhaust comes out... the sides where the air intakes are is still open to allow air to enter... if you dont have the box around the a/c so it can bring in cool air but the back is still containning the exhaust and directing it out, then you have a won the battle... i am a terrible artist... but ill attempt to draw what i mean....


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will it work w/o a exhaust fan pusin it? and is there any fancier way w/ out a bag..like if the plywood wuz trimmed just to fit over the back exhaust panel and still included the venting??

well heres my ideas...first my noisy 180cfm exhaust fan...im going to put it in the crawl space...with its square mount facing the bottom of my subfloor, and ill cut a space for it out w/. a jigsaw. w/o any venting it should suck crawl space air in vent it in2 my grow..im going to try this out.

Im also going to try ur ideas sampsons trash bag vent idea...but if i have to get another exhaust fan for outside the op venting the a.c ..its going to have to be another 6'' hydrofarm active air..cause theyre silent..

other than that...hmmm...im going to pick up a few bigg clones this weekend i think and rotate them direct 2 flower..bolster the perpetualness...
it will push the air out on its own... you dont need a fan... itll just help.. if you want it to look better and more professional you would have to fit the box flush against the a/c but leave holes around the air intake.... and leave enough space behind the a/c to let the exhaust spew out a little...

the air from the crawl space will help too... just be careful about mold and fungus spores being blown into your garden!! i think you have plenty of ventalation and circulation that it wouldnt be a problem... but cant be too safe....
okay....well im gonna try 2morrow im off..so..i gotta get a bigger type trash bag..so ill let u know how it goes..im installin squirl fan in crawl space in the morn...ill let u know thanks bro
it will push the air out on its own... you dont need a fan... itll just help.. if you want it to look better and more professional you would have to fit the box flush against the a/c but leave holes around the air intake.... and leave enough space behind the a/c to let the exhaust spew out a little...

the air from the crawl space will help too... just be careful about mold and fungus spores being blown into your garden!! i think you have plenty of ventalation and circulation that it wouldnt be a problem... but cant be too safe....
The bag will work...I believe a box taped in the same manner and as the bag then vented will work better...at least it is more durable.
The bag will work...I believe a box taped in the same manner and as the bag then vented will work better...at least it is more durable.

i know whats wrong and have a way to fix it... :bigjoint:

so i didnt notice the first time i looked through your pics.. but i studied them close and noticed that your a/c is backed all the way up in that box.. so its working way way way harder than it should causing extra heat and thus your problem..

ok.. i have an idea that just might work to fix it... i dont know if you can do it tho.. it will require a little work and a small $15.00 desk type fan...

1) extend the box back another foot.. just so that there is space for the exhaust to blow away from the a/c a little... just some breathing room..

2) build a "chimney stack" upwards into the room you have the exhaust running now... so basically build it out from the a/c and up to the ceiling...

3) BEFORE YOU SEAL IT UP put the desk fan inside facing upwards so it will blow the hot air up the chimney stack into the venting room... dont forget to also drill a hole for the fan cord...

you can put the fan on a timer with the a/c so it turns on and off with that.. also dont forget to turn the fan setting on high before sealing up the enclosure...

this is about the best and most inexpensive and efficient manner in which to deal with the problem while maintaining an eye pleasing look...

what do you think?
here again i wanted to show off my amazing drawing abilities... hope this helps paint a better pic

oh... and the bottom two diagonal lines represent the 2x4 brace you might need to help support the weight...


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lol...You draw better with your words...Defiantly needs some room to breath and to be hooked into some venting. I am going to do almost the same thing i think. I am going to go with a box over the back up to the side vents of the AC then I am going to seal it good with tape.

Cut a hole in the side of the box and attach some 6 inch ducting to the vent on the lights. As long as the lights are on it will be venting. Then put the AC on a timer.
okay i like it...slip...sampson..thanks for all the help with this 1...no 1 really writes the manual on how to install a/c inside ur op, and then stealth it with all the little detail that become important when ur tryn to stealth it....so thanks for the collaboration on this 1. i think im going with sampson, extender kit w/ lasko fan inside...i jsut dont know if ill get her done till this evening...i thought about jsut building a whole wall around the damn thing with a large opening above to attck, sheetrockin in w/ plenty of breathing room...but i think ill jsut try simpsonsampson idea first...since it requires the least effort.. i can just redesign alil...
thanks again guys...will update pics 2day..gotta go install exhaust fan for intake down in crawl first...laters
lol...You draw better with your words...Defiantly needs some room to breath and to be hooked into some venting. I am going to do almost the same thing i think. I am going to go with a box over the back up to the side vents of the AC then I am going to seal it good with tape.

Cut a hole in the side of the box and attach some 6 inch ducting to the vent on the lights. As long as the lights are on it will be venting. Then put the AC on a timer.

hell ya... thats an easy way if its possible... just use your pre exsisting exhaust fan to pull the heat away... makes life easy...

okay i like it...slip...sampson..thanks for all the help with this 1...no 1 really writes the manual on how to install a/c inside ur op, and then stealth it with all the little detail that become important when ur tryn to stealth it....so thanks for the collaboration on this 1. i think im going with sampson, extender kit w/ lasko fan inside...i jsut dont know if ill get her done till this evening...i thought about jsut building a whole wall around the damn thing with a large opening above to attck, sheetrockin in w/ plenty of breathing room...but i think ill jsut try simpsonsampson idea first...since it requires the least effort.. i can just redesign alil...
thanks again guys...will update pics 2day..gotta go install exhaust fan for intake down in crawl first...laters

no prob at all bro... glad to help... just hope it works as well as i hope... obviously the bigger the chimeny and the bigger the fan and the bigger the vent hole up top the better the heat exhausting.... good luck! looks like you have a semi busy ass day off... damn i gotta a buncha shit to do today to... just remembered... anyways.. good luck again bro!
Day 36 lights on pic..1st 1 is of the new intake..kida rigged but its blown cool air in like a mother..a/c i will deal with that this weekend..for now temps have stabablized around 76.


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Fuck me...ive got a spider mite infestation...god dammit...things keep holdn me up..Just sent my girl to the store..shes pickn up rubbing alchol...im gonna mix it 50 50 with water , and spray lil fucks down..buyn neem oil 2night
okay ditched the alchol idea...got me some fogger..spray..and neem oil..i will be feeding them the neem oil w/ reg water or nutes...next watering..im gonna try to avoid sprayin them as much as possible...cause i dont want moldy bud..i sprayed them with Dr Doom pesticide. lower..uppers...everything sparginly...fuk wut a pain..ill fog if it comes down to it, and it doesnt start lookin like there gone...heres the pics of the products....this suks..

Fuck me...ive got a spider mite infestation...god dammit...things keep holdn me up..Just sent my girl to the store..shes pickn up rubbing alchol...im gonna mix it 50 50 with water , and spray lil fucks down..buyn neem oil 2night


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damn bro.. i feel for ya... its such a pain in the ass... if its not one thing its something else huh?? but just imagine how great it will be once you get everything fixed and its harvest and your smokin some thick ass dank nugs! your girls are looking better everytime i see them..

that new intake looks good... glad it works... i live in an old ass house so thats why i was worried about mold and shit.... glad you wont have that problem....