Tie down plants


Active Member
I don't use fishing line or anything that's recommend I use clothes pegs you hang the washing out with . I clip 3-4 pegs onto the top part of the stem and after 3 days i take them off and the plant is now bent over , this helps the light reach the bottom part of my plants. Don't believe me try it and you see. I think fishing line is way too fine for plants and can cut through the stem . I hadn't any and my plants had become to tall , so I looked about and tried the pegs .Cheers for reading , you can always find a way around things :clap: :-P :weed:


Active Member
Finally managed to put some on,the colour is a little out because my lights are on . The first pic is the first plant I tried W/W, and up to now it has not grown back up , but all the rest of the buds are now getting maximum light. Try it and see you have nothing to lose and its a cheap way of tieing down plants and its less stress on the plant you can use as many as you need. xxxx