Tidying up to avoid pests, disease etc.


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys/Gals

Just wondering about removing dead/dying undergrowth. Plants are in 4th week flower and nothing has been removed that hasn't already fallen off, so far.
Bottom fan leaves look a little sorry for themselves and the inner bottom leaves are yellowing.
Obviously I am worried about air circulation, mould etc.
What do you do?


New Member
Give 'em a little tug. Nothing forceful, just a gentle tug. If they come off, they come off. If they don't, they don't.
Simple as that


Well-Known Member
What do you mean?
I'm looking for a consensus on how you deal with the bottom third(?) of your plants once they are tall enough and dense enough to start looking as though they are of no benefit and possibly a threat to the health of the plant


Well-Known Member
Leave them they are part of the plant. They will fall off on their own if they are dead no reason to push it harder.