Arg im envious of your problem... always too hot. Just add more lights

Awesome growing as always sir.
yea, cool weather is one thing I'm really blessed with here. and yea, last winter i just threw in a small HPS and that warmed it all up!
very nice looking girl, off with her head. Hey, 15 grams a week is pretty good if you look at it like that. I smoke a lot, but no where near that much. she was a pretty girl!
I'll get to the bottom of this yeild issue sooner or later!! for now, i just get to keep smokin!!!
Hey there, My husband and I started an AZ medical grow back at the end of June. It seems to be getting a long just fine, but I have a few huge concerns. First IDK why but he planned on doing a greenhouse grow in Phx in July & August. Didn't work. He had to abandon the greenhouse and move the grow indoors. Because we are so broke, we've had to use what he had purchased intending to do a Burm grow. Which was garden soil. In order to keep electric down, We've opted for CFL's and FL's and seem to be doing good on lumens/sq ft. So here's some of the problem. 1st he only used the miracle grow garden soil in the containers, with rocks on the bottom and a touch of wood ash. No perlyte, nothing. I'm concerned about soil compaction and rotting out the roots. The plants seem to have stopped growing and their leaves are curling up and turning under. The new clones that we're planted about 2 months after the first set are almost caught up to them even though they are only a month old. By that time I had found out about his using the plain garden soil and I insisted he use a better soil combo on the clones. Problem comes that he wants to keep the last 4 mother plants in the containers with only the garden soil and I think they either need to be put to bloom or transplanted. And if he transplants he wants to put it in a burm in the greenhouse. I really need someone to bounce things off of. I just can't afford to let him screw this up, and he's refusing to even discuss it with me. HELP!!!!
Hello msdebbie!! It sounds like you have quite the dilemma on your hands. you have every right to be concerned on this. compacted soil can cause serious problems and it sounds like it's already starting.
If your hubby is being really stubborn and won't change it out maybe you could do things to the soil to get it to breathe more. I sometimes take a wooden chopstick and poke all around in the soil helping to air it out.
maybe you could try the power of suggestion, try to suggest that he transplants just one of them and see if there are any better results. but suggest it in a way that you don't know what your talking about. this way when it works you seem like you accidentally found the answer and are not a better grower than him( even though it may be true)
but cowboy is right, there must be some way you can persuade him and make him feel like it was his idea. or just go poke holes in the soil without him knowing. when he notices the holes, just say it must be a caterpillar eating the roots or something. this will cause him to slide the container off to check out the roots. then he should see his mistake when the roots are muddy and brown. once the container is off and you can clearly see the problem, that is when you use your power of female persuasion!!! good luck!!! please let us know how it worked out...
There is a language that every man understands, you take half and say "lets see who can do this better" and make it a contest. Men can't resist a competition! C'mon, what kind of woman are you? Your kind is usually far better at getting your way while making us think it was our idea! Did you miss your training or something?

just kiddin'
*I can't tell if your asking for help with your approach on your hubby or on the plants since it sounds like you have your own idea about things but are uncertain. Even if you gain master knowledge, what good will it do if you cannot gain his implementation. That's why I recommended the above.
you are right on the money cowboy!! every woman knows how to persuade their man without him knowing it!!! I think the contest idea is a great one.