Thursday Night Chop Down!

Thats crazy I never knew led's would grow that good!! hhhhmmmm

they are getting better by the day... mine is kind of old. i want to buy an ISIS or a blackstar and build a bigger flowering area. then use the light i currently have to veg with. then i will grow some monster buds! my plants look and taste extremely good and the potency is top notch. according to all my friends anyway. i always ask them to be honest and i feel they are!

I just can't grow big yields. I know most of it is my lighting situation compared to the number of plants i grow. I just Jared that kush plant and i got exactly 28 grams. that is my average, just an ounce per plant. maybe i could do better if i used nutrients. i know Smelly and CD both use fox farms with great success and i know others swear by advanced nutrients. i just don't know how much they will help me and if they are worth the money. right now i get 1/4 lb. a month.

if i grew just 3-4 plants (what i should be growing with the lights i have) and pulled 2 ounces a plant using nutes, that's still only a QP a month, if that. and I'm out the $80 for the nutes!

so am i just crazy or am i missing something important?
Whoa I musta missed something stoney you harvest those buds just using a fortified soil mix? Is that what I am getting?

Why not try nutrient for just the flower or just veg see the difference, I got a quart of FF basic flower nutrient for $16 bucks at the hydro place and tiger bloom additive for $14 but if you want the main additive would be enough to boost things a bit.
Look up Jacks classic all purpose, I think its 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 and I follow many growers who use it with great results, less than $10. Or you can get Fish Emulsions from Home Depot, only $5-$10. Osmocote is added to the soil, but I have read a lot of growers like it. There is nothing wrong with the expensive fertilizers except they are expensive. The cheaper ones can work just as well. Look at Arch, he used Miracle Gro nutrients if I remember correctly, veg and flower. Oh, and Earth Juice is a good one which is gro, flower, and micro and only $10 a bottle last I checked, and ORGANIC!! I would be more than happy to help you out if you need any, as many here are. Let us know.
hey guys was gone for awhile just trying to catch up. a friend of mine gave me some worm juice. wow that shit is great. you can easily make a worm farm. all u need is a storage tub then you catch the juice in a jarnutes. also i use worm castings but i do use flora nova yes the stuff is expensive and im going to see more about using organic now i have 2 new patients i can experiment
Whoa I musta missed something stoney you harvest those buds just using a fortified soil mix? Is that what I am getting?

Why not try nutrient for just the flower or just veg see the difference, I got a quart of FF basic flower nutrient for $16 bucks at the hydro place and tiger bloom additive for $14 but if you want the main additive would be enough to boost things a bit.

yep, that's what i do, you didn't miss anything... when i first mix the soil i use organic fertilizers and nutes. then i just give them water for the rest of time. i will look into those two FF nutes and see what kind of a deal my hydro shop will give me. the best part is i have a great control group now. anything that makes great difference will be very noticeable to me. thanks for the advice. my hydro store is such a rip off. i may have to get it online for those prices. let me know if you think of anything else that may help me. Thanks!!

Look up Jacks classic all purpose, I think its 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 and I follow many growers who use it with great results, less than $10. Or you can get Fish Emulsions from Home Depot, only $5-$10. Osmocote is added to the soil, but I have read a lot of growers like it. There is nothing wrong with the expensive fertilizers except they are expensive. The cheaper ones can work just as well. Look at Arch, he used Miracle Gro nutrients if I remember correctly, veg and flower. Oh, and Earth Juice is a good one which is gro, flower, and micro and only $10 a bottle last I checked, and ORGANIC!! I would be more than happy to help you out if you need any, as many here are. Let us know.

I have jacks and MG big bloom. i hate to use them because i don't know what chemical i might be inhaling later. so i only use them when they are looking very week or sad. maybe once in their life... some,not at all. I am intrigued by earth juice i will do some research on that.

another issue i have is all my plants are at a different age, so they will all require a different amount of nutes. i have read that it is very bad to let the nutes rest in water for more than a day. is this true? or can i mix them up in a half gallon container and use it over the next few weeks?

i would think four mixes would do me fine. one at 1/4 strength, one at 1/2 one at 3/4, one at full. and just keep it all organized on a chart, or calendar or something. would really like to install some grow software but all the ones i can find require framework on the PC and i don't want framework on my PC.

I'll check on that earth juice and other organics (FF, advanced, i think MG also has an organic line) thank you for all your tips... please let me know if you can think of anything else that may help me.

hey guys was gone for awhile just trying to catch up. a friend of mine gave me some worm juice. wow that shit is great. you can easily make a worm farm. all u need is a storage tub then you catch the juice in a jarnutes. also i use worm castings but i do use flora nova yes the stuff is expensive and im going to see more about using organic now i have 2 new patients i can experiment

worm juice huh?!?! and this helped grow bigger buds? i already use worm castings. plus i got an in now, my friend grew up with a guy that owns a worm farm and I'm gonna get all the old soil they get rid of... that's gonna be some good shit for free. did you notice the difference during vegging or flowering?
Yea some hydro places are a rip off around here we have two and they are like night and day one has horrible prices and a giant sign at the counter "We don't care if you are licensed Marijuana cultivation is illegal any hint of illegal cultivation you will be asked to leave and not come back." and the other one is very med friendly and incredibly cheap prices.

Freestanding neuts in a water bottle are typically fine if they are synthetically based but almost all organic or organically based nutrients that require hydration before use should not be left hydrated and freestanding for several reasons. When hydrated some live cultures within a lot organic fertilizers are brought out of a coma if you will sort of like when you hydrate yeast (this is the case especially with soluables) and those microbes and such do have a half life especially without food and a proper environment, also if left freestanding they can ferment in some cases or develop mold or a film and biggest factor of all for many growers (especially if you use molasses) and finally if left freestanding it can REEK like a rotten potato usually in my opinion.... horrible smell.

Although I must warn you there is a freestanding debate over the organicness of FF as some parts of it are derived from organic sources but go through an extraction process so they are not in there absolute unadulterated state.

What's wrong with the .net framework? there is that one software here on RIU I love it but only use it for patient records I don't really keep track of the stuff thats for me, I find it easier to remain zen if one is not counting down the harvest clock.
Yea some hydro places are a rip off around here we have two and they are like night and day one has horrible prices and a giant sign at the counter "We don't care if you are licensed Marijuana cultivation is illegal any hint of illegal cultivation you will be asked to leave and not come back." and the other one is very med friendly and incredibly cheap prices.

Freestanding neuts in a water bottle are typically fine if they are synthetically based but almost all organic or organically based nutrients that require hydration before use should not be left hydrated and freestanding for several reasons. When hydrated some live cultures within a lot organic fertilizers are brought out of a coma if you will sort of like when you hydrate yeast (this is the case especially with soluables) and those microbes and such do have a half life especially without food and a proper environment, also if left freestanding they can ferment in some cases or develop mold or a film and biggest factor of all for many growers (especially if you use molasses) and finally if left freestanding it can REEK like a rotten potato usually in my opinion.... horrible smell.

Although I must warn you there is a freestanding debate over the organicness of FF as some parts of it are derived from organic sources but go through an extraction process so they are not in there absolute unadulterated state.

What's wrong with the .net framework? there is that one software here on RIU I love it but only use it for patient records I don't really keep track of the stuff thats for me, I find it easier to remain zen if one is not counting down the harvest clock.

That's what i figured on the organics.... maybe if i stuck to a liquid nute and did some math i could figure out how much is needed for small amounts and did it that way. i have some extra hypodermics laying around maybe i could use those to measure it out.

and i don't like framework because i am very picky about my PC and i want it to run at optimum speed, and every time i install framework it slows my browser down a little. it only slows it 2-3 seconds per website but like i said i am picky or anal which ever you prefer... but seriously thanks again for help. i will give my local hydro shop a chance. the owner is very kind and helpful, it's just the prices are high. the last time i bought the smallest bottle of clonex and it was $37. maybe I'll shop on line.

and as for the zen thing, i couldn't agree more! always think about how great what your doing right now is. remember all the great things you did, and don't anticipate to much on what gonna happen in the future. ya know, don't think about that great vacation coming up in two months all the time. instead, focus on things that can make today a better one! sorry that had nothing to do about growing.

she looks gorgeous.
Hippysmoke said it best on leaving nutes in water. And with what you listed off I see nothing wrong with your current lineup, it works, don't fix it. But I have heard good things about Earth Juice, and it is inexpensive. The only con I have heard is it stinks for some. Ordering almost anything online is gonna be double the listed price due to shipping of chemicals, in my experience. I found my hydro shop would order it and charge me list price only, no shipping. So that may be an option for you shall you decide to make a purchase.
and as for the zen thing, i couldn't agree more! always think about how great what your doing right now is. remember all the great things you did, and don't anticipate to much on what gonna happen in the future. ya know, don't think about that great vacation coming up in two months all the time. instead, focus on things that can make today a better one! sorry that had nothing to do about growing.

I appreciate your view in fact, because RIU is not just about growing it is a free exchange of concept and idea.

And gumball has a point I started to order neuts off amazon then saw the horrendous price of shipping and decided against it.
I appreciate your view in fact, because RIU is not just about growing it is a free exchange of concept and idea.

And gumball has a point I started to order neuts off amazon then saw the horrendous price of shipping and decided against it.
Amazon does have some steep prices, i got some stuff from there...prolly wont do it again haha
I still say dont run from E-Bay just because of the E-Bay killer! you can still find a lot of free shipping items on there and thats a plus when buying nutrients my fox farms were from there free shipping last year you just have to look around...
I buy a lot off of amazon because I do a perks program that gives out amazon e-certificates if it weren't for them I wouldn't use amazon as much just from shipping
she looks gorgeous.

Thanks. she was my very first plant with good genetics that i grew. I went to Amsterdam and bought seeds from a cute girl behind the counter and gave them to a friend as a gift and years later he gave me a plants to get started with. i hold her near and dear to my heart i will never forget that blueberry plant!

Hippysmoke said it best on leaving nutes in water. And with what you listed off I see nothing wrong with your current lineup, it works, don't fix it. But I have heard good things about Earth Juice, and it is inexpensive. The only con I have heard is it stinks for some. Ordering almost anything online is gonna be double the listed price due to shipping of chemicals, in my experience. I found my hydro shop would order it and charge me list price only, no shipping. So that may be an option for you shall you decide to make a purchase.

I appreciate your view in fact, because RIU is not just about growing it is a free exchange of concept and idea.

And gumball has a point I started to order neuts off amazon then saw the horrendous price of shipping and decided against it.

Amazon does have some steep prices, i got some stuff from there...prolly wont do it again haha

I still say dont run from E-Bay just because of the E-Bay killer! you can still find a lot of free shipping items on there and thats a plus when buying nutrients my fox farms were from there free shipping last year you just have to look around...

I buy a lot off of amazon because I do a perks program that gives out amazon e-certificates if it weren't for them I wouldn't use amazon as much just from shipping

Thank you all very much for the advice. i will not rule out any on line orders yet but i will be very aware of the shipping costs (if any) this will also give me a great starting point on pricing for when i go to my local hydro shop tomorrow. i think they even have a website that i can their products to. rep for anybody i can for this help!! do you guys think it will help me yield more?
Well I was just reading some discussions on organic nutes, regarding the earth juice. And I heard if you go all organic you will get better quality, same potency, and possibly less yield. But take it with a grain of salt cause everyone has different results.
Thanks gumball!! thats what i needed to know.... the flip side! i have a full night of research ahead of me tonight! the beauty of it is i have a perpetual grow so if i get a little less or a little more there is always another plant in 7 days!!!

but to get things moving, here is a little incentive! this is a sneak peek of this weeks chop down!! she is a wonder woman weighing in at about 24 grams dry(i guessed!), about 27" tall, and she is in a 3 gallon container. this frost is unbelievable. no camera tricks, no tripod, just point and shoot. enjoy!
It may it may not nutrients only help if the soil doesn't already have everything it needs and honestly your plants look amazing for just using a fortified soil mixture. Although some I am pretty sure would help even with the fortified mix such as good ol molasses (sparingly!) or possibly the solubles line from FF for example CD had some great results with the chaching but his soil mixture doesn't quite do the job like whatever it is you got in there.
oh dam bro, lookin good man!! such a dark green, and frost, awesome bro!!

Thanks CD!! i think i may just harvest part of her. the lower buds don't look that mature. I'll decide tomorrow.

It may it may not nutrients only help if the soil doesn't already have everything it needs and honestly your plants look amazing for just using a fortified soil mixture. Although some I am pretty sure would help even with the fortified mix such as good ol molasses (sparingly!) or possibly the solubles line from FF for example CD had some great results with the chaching but his soil mixture doesn't quite do the job like whatever it is you got in there.

i was thinking maybe i will just make up a different batch of soil just for flowering. since i transplant a few weeks before flowering, i should change that soil to include more bone meal and maybe instead of using ammonium sulfate, i just use dried blood(less nitrogen) and i was thinking of adding this to the mix (pic) since i already own it. i need to find something with a high potassium value. I have heard of people grinding up banana peels and adding it to the soil, does anybody think that would work? or does it need to be broken down with heat in a compost situation? i would be worried about the sugars... but then again i think i may need a little sugar, like you said molasses.

I'm reading up some super soils by subcool and others. I'm sure I'll find a good solution by starting there and fine tuning it a bit. according to most organics make for smaller yields, maybe i shouldn't be complaining getting an ounce a plant.

hey stoney i want to start off by saying FUCKING AMAZING. i read pretty much like half of this thread and i wanted to find out if you flush the plants before harvest.i know a couple pages back you said you dont but i just want to clarify if you do any flushing at all during the last few weeks.and with no flushing hows the smoke like taste smoothness oh and yeild compared to flushing.i got a somewhat similar grow cfl perpetual micro grow harvesting 2 a week grown in yea i just wanted to find out if im losing out by flushing.