Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
havent smoked any of the dad. the beans i planted turned out to be males.. aint that my luck. they either die or are males.. wtf!!!


Well-Known Member
all depends one how much leaves and stem u grided up u can get from a 2 ft plant around 5-6 grams not to sure on that but thats avg


Well-Known Member
hey man everything is looking good keep it up!!!
Thanks so much man!!! things are gonna have to change up bit here, but i'll explain that in a bit.

Good to see ya, cant wait to see whats up :D
thanks gumball... I saw your update just a bit ago.... looking really great down there!!!!!!!! buds bigger than a lunchbox!

havent smoked any of the dad. the beans i planted turned out to be males.. aint that my luck. they either die or are males.. wtf!!!
that sucks bro, I really hate when i get the dudes!!!!!! i feel robbed!!! I know your internest is sucked up again but i saw your list of beans started... those are all gonna be great females!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys, i have been very very busy the last few days... getting lots done!!! the plants are growing great i even started a DIY DWC setup to get my feet wet with!!!

My skunk plant is growing out of control!!! i love her!!!!

things here are getting a little to cold. I am forced to run a 750 watt heater around the clock. even if i finished my new veg area it would still be to cold. so i am purchasing a 600watt HPS setup to help with the heat. as you all know i have been struggling wih GLH panels and the improper spectrum it provides. adding the HPS to the LED would be disastrous. way to much far red in the equation!!!! I'm trying to reduce that part. not add it!

i need to discuss this with schwagbag, but i may just add the MH at a reduced power. this would add the required heat at half the power used!!! plus it might put the added blue spectrum i need. a;though I'm not sure adding the spectrum is correct... I fell i need to remove some of the strong spectrums!! all in time and testing... until then, I'll smoke and be happy!!!!

some random pics...



Well-Known Member
looking good man i would go with the different spectrum man u will get better development along with flowering i wish i had the different lights to fuck around with have fun with it keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
I think a CMH would rock oin their with the led. Maybe a 250 or 150!! You could maybe do blue and yellow and led if you keep it low wattage, ya know. You do plan to keep your led going to right, just lowered wattage? One wouldn't think you need to change looking at it from the pictures :weed:


Well-Known Member
looking good man i would go with the different spectrum man u will get better development along with flowering i wish i had the different lights to fuck around with have fun with it keep up the good work
i'm still thinkin on it... i haven't spent any money yet. but i do need to change something though... i'm just not satisfied.

I think a CMH would rock oin their with the led. Maybe a 250 or 150!! You could maybe do blue and yellow and led if you keep it low wattage, ya know. You do plan to keep your led going to right, just lowered wattage? One wouldn't think you need to change looking at it from the pictures :weed:
juat not sure what i'm gonna do yet... i really do wanna make these lights work. not sure how to do it yet. I'm getting help and i'm also using all of your suggestions to come up with a battle plan. i'm not gonna throw anything at em anymore... time to hit the drawing board so to speak!

Hey, how'd the ice hash turn out bro, looks cold!!
ah man, i forgot about that!!! i weighed it this morning and it was 13 grams dry!!!!!! thanks for remimding me!!! i'm gonna smoke some now!!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Thanks so much man!!! things are gonna have to change up bit here, but i'll explain that in a bit.

thanks gumball... I saw your update just a bit ago.... looking really great down there!!!!!!!! buds bigger than a lunchbox!

that sucks bro, I really hate when i get the dudes!!!!!! i feel robbed!!! I know your internest is sucked up again but i saw your list of beans started... those are all gonna be great females!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys, i have been very very busy the last few days... getting lots done!!! the plants are growing great i even started a DIY DWC setup to get my feet wet with!!!

My skunk plant is growing out of control!!! i love her!!!!

things here are getting a little to cold. I am forced to run a 750 watt heater around the clock. even if i finished my new veg area it would still be to cold. so i am purchasing a 600watt HPS setup to help with the heat. as you all know i have been struggling wih GLH panels and the improper spectrum it provides. adding the HPS to the LED would be disastrous. way to much far red in the equation!!!! I'm trying to reduce that part. not add it!

i need to discuss this with schwagbag, but i may just add the MH at a reduced power. this would add the required heat at half the power used!!! plus it might put the added blue spectrum i need. a;though I'm not sure adding the spectrum is correct... I fell i need to remove some of the strong spectrums!! all in time and testing... until then, I'll smoke and be happy!!!!

some random pics...

wow bro, so much cool shit to look at, LoL. great job!!! bump


Well-Known Member
I think Gumball's right...a CMH would do great in your cab. 250w would probably be perfect....not to mention it adds UV rays √


Well-Known Member
I think Gumball's right...a CMH would do great in your cab. 250w would probably be perfect....not to mention it adds UV rays √
Nope, no UVB. Illumination got a UV meter and with and without the glass there is no discernable amount of UV coming from CMH. It has to be the SPD of the light throughtout so many bands!


Well-Known Member
wow bro, so much cool shit to look at, LoL. great job!!! bump
Thanks CD!!! many more changes to come!!! very soon to... like next week soon!!!

Looking nice as always Stoney. Happy New Year :)
Thank you very much LG!!!!! I hope your holidays were filled with love and joy!!!!!

I think Gumball's right...a CMH would do great in your cab. 250w would probably be perfect....not to mention it adds UV rays √
I'd be so scared with the amount of red in a CMH... the problem with these lights is the amount of red, this is what caused me to reduce the light schedule. which i have no abbadon. the buds were growing tiny and extra leaves do to the lack of proper light spectrum. I'm back to 12/12 right now... I'm not done with light schedule changes.... but i'm not gonna use it for these leds anymore.

Nope, no UVB. Illumination got a UV meter and with and without the glass there is no discernable amount of UV coming from CMH. It has to be the SPD of the light throughtout so many bands!
very good!!!! i've always wondered thos and now we know for sure!!! lumni did a great thing there!!!!

Digital 600 is the answer. CMH is cool but that space could use 2 of them. Do it Stoney doit doit.
I did it! it should arrive next week!


Well-Known Member
I think your mistaken, CMH is more blue really than red.
Here is an HPS compared to plant sensitivity.

View attachment 1986503

Here is a CMH example that I don't trust against an HPS of the cheapest quality they could find LOL.


The reason I encourage Stoney to use a 600 HPS is because it is the benchmark that all indoor growers compare to. That is, it works, its worked for a long time and it will always work. There may be better lights available for either more or less investment, but Stoney has been milking these LEDS for long enough, its time to crank dank lol.

Can a 400 CMH produce the same or better? Maybe, I've seen side by sides that look relatively the same. The CMH wavelength is more attractive across the board, but the 600 offers deeper penetration within a known usable wavelength by means of higher lumen output. I know lumens don't mean shit if they're not the right wavelength, which HPS is far from the exact wavelength requirements, but they work very well. with a good 8-12" of quality penetration if the bulb is placed at the right distance and has a good footprint.

I love CMH, definitely intrigued by them, planning to add one to my 600 tent for a total of 1000 watts.... But when it comes down to it - A digital ballast is better and more versatile, a 600 penetrates deeper and the result is not unknown. Just my two cents.

PS love the avatar gumball lol.



Well-Known Member
I think your mistaken, CMH is more blue really than red.
yes, CMH has a very nice balance to the spectrums. but my issue is the LEDs already pump out way to much red. so my thought was to supply more blue and try to balance it out.... but let;s face it when i have a 600 in there crankin dank, as shwagbag put it, I'm not gonna be experimenting with these panels much more. I'll use them for veg, clones, and males.

Here is an HPS compared to plant sensitivity.

View attachment 1986503

Here is a CMH example that I don't trust against an HPS of the cheapest quality they could find LOL.

View attachment 1986485

The reason I encourage Stoney to use a 600 HPS is because it is the benchmark that all indoor growers compare to. That is, it works, its worked for a long time and it will always work. There may be better lights available for either more or less investment, but Stoney has been milking these LEDS for long enough, its time to crank dank lol.

Can a 400 CMH produce the same or better? Maybe, I've seen side by sides that look relatively the same. The CMH wavelength is more attractive across the board, but the 600 offers deeper penetration within a known usable wavelength by means of higher lumen output. I know lumens don't mean shit if they're not the right wavelength, which HPS is far from the exact wavelength requirements, but they work very well. with a good 8-12" of quality penetration if the bulb is placed at the right distance and has a good footprint.

I love CMH, definitely intrigued by them, planning to add one to my 600 tent for a total of 1000 watts.... But when it comes down to it - A digital ballast is better and more versatile, a 600 penetrates deeper and the result is not unknown. Just my two cents.

PS love the avatar gumball lol.
well said bro!!!!

it will be good to crank dank!!!

and guys, it doesn't mean i won't use these lights anymore.... i have them and I'm not a dick enough to sell them to some poor grower trying to save $$$. so i will flower will HPS starting next week. I will mount it above the plants until i grow some out then I'm going vertical!!!

I may put my veg triband led in with the HPS to add some quality... but for now it will be all HPS. It will be ineresting to see if i can keep the quality of the smoke or if the leds had a hand in that....

great things to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I hear your points shwagbag! But it's beyond color and spectrum and gets to energy the plant recieves. I'm not knocking hps either, a 600 will roll the buds :D But it isn't always about penetration (huh,huh-huh,huh :) ) the more energy it receive the better it can still grow the rest of the plant without all the penetration. Still, the energy does have to come in the spectrums needed for the plant to absorb it best also. So CMH (4000k'ish) may not be the answer, and neither HPS (1800-2900k'ish) I bet if stoney could rock a huge 10K MHlamp in their it would rock 'em! A 400 or 250 cmh or mh would still be a good addition...

But wait, stoney hasn't had to deal with heat issues really before! What kind of fan you buying, and filter? I say around 250 cfm! Gotta stay cool, and if riddle is right about temps and environment it may get a little more stinky round there if it gets a little hotter!