Thunderstorms, is rain harmful for baby sprouts?


So I have all my baby sprouts outdoors now. All of them are just 1 day old in their pots, and I have one that is just about 5 days old now. I am currently in North California, and we just got hit by thunderstorm showers. Well luckily my room mate heard the rain coming down while I was asleep and quickly brought all the babies under covered shelter. There is a little shack in the backyard that is used for cooking, this is where the plants are currently.

The reason they're in shelter is because someone informed us that the acid from rain can damage sprouts. I don't know if this is true for sure or not. The pots were not soaked they were still moist like before, I am just worried that this may have some kind of stunt shock on my newborns. Any clarification on this is greatly appreciated! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Thank your friend for giving them cover. Heavy rains that accompany thunderstorms can pelt the heck out of your plants in "seedling stage" and damage or kill them.


Yes it can be harmful its like u puring a ton of water ontop of ur crop at ur house with a water bucket after awhile it will start to drown or just bendover and die. good job give it cover i suggest indoor growing much more predictable


Well-Known Member
i was under it today... there was lightning like i have never seen before,,,!!
the rain sounded pretty hard, but only from like 11pm to 3am...

the lightning though - it was constant flashes every 1.5 seconds growing for 3 hours with rumbling thunder later on... i was amazed and impressed.. and later frightened!! ;-) the power went for 60 seconds...


Well-Known Member
I believe the lightning acctually provides nitrogen to the soil.. I read some where that it gives a charges the air and the nitrogen falls to the ground..

As well, starting indoors is ideal.. but can't beat mother nature and if you allow it to grow from seedlings and allow it to take the hits then either the plant dies or it will be strong as heck... Don't forget it's a weed... look around ya there's weed everywhere...

Myself personally I start mine indoors for 2 weeks or 2.5 weeks and bring em outside.. Make sure you have a fan blowing on your seedlings to strenghten up your stocks..


Well-Known Member
I would like to give a +rep to Blueberry2008 for that insight...couldn't have been said any better in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Sprouts can drown if the soil you are planted is not draining well. A thunderstorm can bring a LOT of water down in a short time. It the storms are going to be going on for a while, make sure there are drainage channels between the plants.


Thanks everyone for your replies! It does not appear that it was barley enough rain to drown and/or ruin the crops, thanks to my friend! Apparently its raining until Saturday, then we should start getting our sunny Cali weather again. +rep for all! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Something I always do is put a layer of rocks at the bottom of my holes that I dug.. Aprox 2inches..

Therefore your able to keep excellent drainage..


Well-Known Member
You must be near me. We had a thunderstorm last night along with rain coming tomorrow and saturday. Ill keep my fingers crossed for both of us.

Same here. The thunderstorm was amazing
I am scared for my one baby plant outside. I hope it survived, don't want to check because I will leave footprints.
I might have to grab her tonight if it starts up.