Well-Known Member
That c99 looks great! Looks like you and I have the same wedding band 

Dry trims not as good for dry ice method, wets better. T cat those galactic jacks look like thell be nice.I make hash with the trim as well...but I have to dry and cure the trim before I can apply my wax making method..
You say, Ninja, that you don't have to wait for the trim to dry with dry ice??
...And yes I have helped a few friends of mine trim already dried bud, and it was a huge pain in the ass for me. lol
That c99 looks great! Looks like you and I have the same wedding band![]()
thanks man! haha thats cool! gotta have something tough for work.. im a bricklayer
lol my hubby is rockin one of those rings! Although it's def not as strong as they make them out to be he broke his playing ping pong haha!That c99 looks great! Looks like you and I have the same wedding band![]()
What is it that you guys find to be a pain? Maybe its because of my single colas but I usually find I do a nicer job when I trim dry, though that could be due to me being very particular about my trimming. I don't leave any sugar leaves or bits on at all if I can help it.
So I gotta be honest I only skimmed over what you guys wrote while I was gone. It didn't seem like anyone had had any questions or anything so I'm glad you guys got some use out of my thread while I was gone.
So heres a slight over view of the event for everyone!
So the first day was a bit disorganized at the gates, but I only waited in line for 45 minutes (others waited 4 hours) and didn't really care cus I just smoked a couple joints with my buddies that came, and some ladies from the CO licensing board. The second day was much smoother all the way around, they made some changes and things were more organized. I didn't make it 5 feet in the gate before I found a gorgeous Pink gandolf pipe with 24 crt gold fumed stars on it which my wife absolutely loved. Only cost $25 bucks and was nicely made, the blower was there and we talked for a few before he let me sample his kosher kush, and then gave me a .5 to taste with my wife. A bit farther down I found myself a new oney to replace the one I broke.
Walked a little more and got my hightimes gift bag, sadly no buds in it hopefully by next year. There were some great displays of new technology, including the first power trimmer I have ever given a second thought. This unit allows actual precision of hand trimming while allowing you to do larger quantities faster then scissors. It also comes with bubble bags to collect all your keif as you trim. Pretty cool I think, and won't beat the shit out of your buds like most trimmers.
I sadly couldn't make it into the medical area which was sadhowever with some diligents I was able to find seeds in a few other places. Granddaddy purple genetics was selling seeds openly, all they had left when I got there was some "Bay11" which I split a pack of with my buddy. Then a few booths down we found the jack pot! Sin City Seeds had a booth where they were Raffaling off a bunch of glass and other stuff. Well when you bought a raffle ticket for $40 you got to pick a pack of seeds too for free. So me and my buddy each bought 2 tickets. Then split our packs of seeds so we each got all 4 genetics they had. We were able to score,,, also got "Truepower OG" from them which I only could find Once the raffle started they also started throwing all kinds of stuff out to the crowd. I Scored a Tshirt, a THC gummy bear, and last but far from least I scored 1 of 5 packs of special seeds. I managed to score a pack of Sinmints which is at the bottom of that last link. That made my day, I've wanted to get my hands on some form of the girl scout cookie genetics, and this seems like it should be super dank. Getting the Sinmints really made me over look any poor feelings I had about the whole event.
So after getting genetics my trip was mostly complete. I was slightly disappointed that there wasn't hardly any actual bud there. However once I found "dab city" I didn't care much more. "Dab City" was a huge area outdoors with basically bars set up with about 15-20 beautiful glass bongs and oil rigs all around. They each had someone sitting there providing free dabs of oil, shatter, or wax from various different genetics. Just about each station was a different flavor, it was amazing. I had never dabbed oil, only smoked it on a bowl or blunt. The flavor was what really blew my mind, it was so clean and pure absulutely amazing. This inspired me to buy a simple oil rig for my new bong, and I'm so happy I did. I tried it out last night when I got home with some blond charas I had here, and OMG its so much better then any other method I've tried. Its a bit of a hassle messing with the torch and all but so worth it after that first hit!
Sooooo thats just a slight taste of everything there, it would take all day to talk about it all, but to put it simply I will be going again next year and I think it will be even better! There was some cool technology which as I read all the info I got I'll prolly post some links to different things like that trimmer. Nothing really ground breaking but neat. Hope you guys had as nice of a weekend as I did. I even came home to my garden looking great, thanks to my wife, and am one step closer to that next harvest!
I said it last night and I'll say it again First US Cannabis Cup was LEGEN..................Wait for it :takes a hash rip on the bong:..................DARY!
Peace Guys TC
Bluedreamzy nice looking plants man. Some big fat colas on that bitch, hows she smell? I've got one Cindy in flower and some others in veg, my flower girl has almost exactly 2 more weeks as of tonight. The veg girls will be going in soon, or some of them will atleast. I have a very similar wedding band as well which is funny that you guys both do, mines all black though.
Sure sounds like you had a good trip bro. Thanks for the wrap up. I'm bummed I wasn't there, but I guess there's next year. Also glad you got to try good oil. That shit is amazing when done right. It's just that pure taste, no harshness, and a great clean high that lasts a long time. Hope to smoke with you there next year buddy.
TC, was that your first go round with the "Dabs"? I tried it for the first time last year, the flavor and potency the first few times is unreal. I even got to make it with a friend a couple of times, pretty cool! The wife surprisingly doesn't get high from it. She could do 4 dabs and when done she will look at me and say ok are you going to roll me a joint now. Really surprising because I got sooooo high, almost like when I was young!
Glad to hear you had a great trip.
i dont know if u have noticed at all but mine really dint smell much in my garden unless she was touched/bumped/moved.. smell really sweet when trimming.. starting to smell a little better now on day 5 of dry.. hard to tell at this point as she smells like hay while drying but im sure that sweet smell/tase will come from the curing.. shes been nicely drying slow.. 64 degrees 60-70 percent humidity.. i think im going to jar her up tnight which will be 5 complete days of drying and she feels like shes ready to start cure.. crisp but still a little spongee where i can tell shes still got a little moisture in her.. waiting on my hygrometer.. the smoke is fucking amazing and this is goin to be a long post lmfao just got off work and just ripped a bowl to myself and holy fuck! great head high! i was a bit nervous as when i sampled her about 2 weeks ago useing the microwave quick dry steam method i didnt like the high.. made me feel "weird" best i can describe lol but after she hung for a day r 2 and starting sampleing fluff nugs omg its only gotten better by the day!! idk if i already posted but i harvested at 60 days from flip,53 days from first pistals.. heard more people go from flip on her so i was worried i went a little to long.. but i think shes a great smoke right where shes at!! we be harvesting my iced grapefruit on friday night! and have 4 more iced grapefruits 2 weeks into flowering.. i think i might take my next batch of c99 a few days earier to see the difference.. also her yield was very surprising for me as it only cleared about 1/3 of the scrog she was in and im thinking shes atleast 4 zips.. if not 5.. how many days from flip/pistals are ya? i usually go from pistals but i kinda split the best of both worlds on my harvest date.. higher than a motha fucka! lol
sweet dude ,looking forward to an update. How do you think my Nl is looking? just threw her into flower yesterday.
just jar'd up tonight! going to be a perfect cure! ended up with 5 oz off this girl!