Well-Known Member
Your glassware in the right location will take off like a wildfire bro it looks amazing. I’d love to get my hands on some of it. Maybe open a online store to sell glass? I’m not in a legal state so don’t quote me but it seems like the market is pretty flooded in most of them smoke wise. Maybe just invest some money into your room if it’s a possibility? Nobody will look out for your family’s well being like you will.
I do sell online some, but there are 10k other glass blowers that do the same. I have stores in 11 states that sell my glass currently and it moves well they tell me. I just redid my wholesale catalog to send out to current accounts to try to get some fresh work, and to send to new shops. I would like to have work in all 50 states in the next 4 years. I've been putting lots of time into making it nicer and nicer the last few years. It sells great when people are buying, but glass is just like weed there is major ebbs and flows in the market. Most of my sales are wholesale to shops, and that only pays about 50%. I try to market myself online through social media, and etsy. Again though the market is pretty saturated, which is what pushes me towards wholesale accounts.
In the end glass work has MASSIVE overhead involved, and the best way to be profitable is to be fast. I'm not fast enough, and I don't know that I ever will be with my arm injury a few years back. So I want to keep pushing my glass forward but am hitting a wall with how much I can produce vs how much I can actually get paid to produce it - overhead.... Very seriously EVERYTHING I make sells, its just a case of finding a buyer, and being able to make enough in "x" amount of time to make it all happen and keep going.
I'm definitely trying to expand my room more. I'm heading to Michigan in a week or so to talk to a friend up there that grows and runs a compassion club. I wanna learn the ins and outs of the laws there, and see what if any opportunities exist as someone coming from the outside.
I really would like to sell everyone on here a pipe, the only way I can think to do it would be using a middle man that I know. However, I don't think I have anyone that I want to ask to do all that work without a decent cut to make it happen. At which point I might as well sell it wholesale. Unless I up charged people here for the middle man fee which I doubt people would appreciate. So you see the spot i'm in.