Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
OK well its way after dinner, but I do have a couple pictures :). I got busy actually changing and cleaning my res. It looked kinda grimy and it had been a whole month so I figured it was about time.

So I scraped my first evap of grade A sweet trim, and it only yielded about 1.5g. Based on input weight as long as the second evap weighs about the same I'll be right around the 10% mark. If the second evap weighs more like I think it might I'll be over that mark so not bad for sativa dominant trim I don't think. The flavor is much lighter then the bubba as I expected, and with the mixture of trim I used it has a sweet floral taste to it. The purity came out nice, wonderfully golden with a very think EXTREMELY sticky (like DO NOT TOUCH or it will stick to you no matter how quickly you touch it) taffy texture. It holds its shape well at room temps and is being stored on parchment paper in the dark and its not getting runny or anything. Heres some pics I took of the piece pressed out thin so you can see the color and clarity.

I think this second evap might be even nicer it was evaping down well last I checked and will likely be done by the morning. One of my last WW plants showed some nanners tonight so I pulled it, and chopped it down into buds and put it in the fridge. I'm gonna either make butter out of it, or try a fresh bud alcohol wash and see how it turns out. I usually work with dried material for butter or oil so it will be a nice experiment. I have made some butter in the past with fresh bud though, and it was some of the most potent butter I've ever made so I figure I can't go wrong :).

Hope you guys are having a good night. I have been having so much fun trying this new stuff, and being able to make changes and see the improvements. I am really looking forward to trying some of this stuff with these new strains that already look like they will be amazing oil producers. I can't tell you how impressed I am with the powernap, and the Sins Ogs inspite of the stretch they did are building some really nice buds that are completely coated in trichs. From the looks of them they are gonna be big fat milky trichs too!

Well night guys see you tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Well its almost 2 am here. I've been out of town the last couple days, but came home to things still doing ok. The flowering girls grew atleast an inch while I was gone, and the plants in veg are looking nice too. The little seedlings are doing ok, still some slight discoloration on the very first leaves, but most are working on their 3rd set, and those are looking healthy. The critical cheese auto is the largest of all the seedlings so far, and is growing pretty quickly it seems. I will have to make sure I control her. I'll be harvesting the giant white widow tomorrow prolly. It has gone about 10 weeks now, and is looking pretty done, and has bulked up alot. I'll also be putting another round into flower.

So I scraped the last of that batch of sweet oil, and got another 1.5g, so I ended up with about 8% return, which isn't huge, but it was all a nice golden oil. I could have prolly done a third wash on the material, and gotten an actual b grade, but I'll settle for 8% of what I would call A grade. I bought more alcohol today, and will be doing another run this week. I also bought a bottle of Seagram's seven today, and have an oz of sweet trim soaking in that right now :). Anyway I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow, just wanted to check in.


Well-Known Member
Hehe yes it is Jig yes it is!! I really wish I had some access to accurate testing at an affordable price. I'd be curious to see what kinda results I'm actually getting.

Well I'm heading to dinner and to try to buy a new dabber if the shop is open on sunday. I dropped mine last night :(. Its still usable just broken.


Well-Known Member
Hehe they didn't end up being open so I guess tomorrow. The old one still works and its like 3 inchs long still just the very end broke off thankfully. I have a few other utensils that have gotten used as I've been getting more into this all so I've got back ups if need be :). We did have some great BBQ for dinner, and had a nice evening. Sat outside on the patio at the restaurant, and enjoyed the sunset while we ate.


Well-Known Member
sounds a lovely night. What a diifference a year makes huh. Here u are enjoying the sunset with your fmily in a new place u might one day own and all your limbs work. Life's good.


Well-Known Member
True story man, its been a crazy year for sure, and things are really going well. Once we figure out our more permenant income situation for when I'm off disability things will be great!

So the Critical cheese auto I started is only about 4 inchs tall, and on maybe its 4th - 5th node, and already has the beginning of side branches, and is showing sex in 18 days from sprout. The Blue cheese auto also looks good, and is the second largest of the seedlings. It hasn't sexed yet(its supposed to be fem) but looks great still.

I ended up needing to move all the girls around the last batch I put in is approaching the end of its stretch I believe and is setting buds now. They did bush out a bit on me, but look like most will be very nice plants. The Sins OG(i think #1) is HUGE, its 4 inchs above my light now, and all the side branching is rather stretchy too. The funny thing is if it flowers like the other Sins OGs have, it might have some HUGE buds on it. I just took down the WW that was 6 inchs above the light and it was actually rather heavy, so I have hope for this plant. Even if the top ends up a bit airy, it is going to be covered with resin. After moving things I put 5 more plants into flower. They were the same age as the ones starting to flower now, so I hope they don't stretch even more, but either way I'll move the bushy ones to the edges if I have to and move on. I forgot to mention how awesome the platinum delights are looking. The one in flower is turning out to be a beautiful single cola plant, and apears like its going to from some very nice buds. The one I just put into flower has me even more excited as it is stacking nodes in veg, and isn't branching much. It just seems like it might be fantastic.

Ok now I"m off to bed, I need to make qwiso tomorrow and go shopping so I need my

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Well guys its been a busy day. Spent most of it running around and shopping. I found a sweet new dabber, picked it up for only $20 which I didn't think was bad since its heady glass. Not much to say really plants are good, life is good, heres a couple pics just for fun :).

Hope you guys had an ok monday. I'll see ya tomorrow maybe I'll even show ya some plants :).


Well-Known Member
Hey bro! How's things been going :??: good I hope. Been rough with Mom and finding out she is in stage 4 bone cancer! :( just been trying to hang in there! I had answered your post, but don't think you seen it there in the thread. I just did an update in the last 2 or so pg's. Well 2 updates. ;)
The Sins OG is looking mighty fine, and is now flowering. She sure is stinking to high heaven! Going to take 2 or 3 clones off her bottoms in the morning to keeps her going for awhile. Started a few Power Naps 2. And also Vertigo,Cotton Candy,Fucking Incrediables, I had threw the last 5 of the FI'S into a cup of water with Rapid Start to see what they would do, well got 3 out of the 5 to make it for me. Super stoked about that! ;) checks it out if you have a spare second bro..
Thanks, Your bud. Dank


Well-Known Member
hehe I was just over there trying to sort through things man. I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, thats gotta be hard to deal with. I must have missed the post, then felt bad when I heard.


Well-Known Member
Damn dank, that's rough. I know how i felt just hearing my dad and cancer mentioned together, his cleared up. Must be scary, or sad, or a lot of things for you. When I heard about my dad I made a promise to myself that we would talk every day. I figure if we make the most of every day we are both here, there's really no more to do. I hope you have a long time to go with her, and I hope she can find something to deal with the pain.

T cat. I thought you bought a new oil rig for $20 and thought damn, what a deal. Then I realized you were talking about the actual dabber. :) Not as good a deal, haha. Cool dabber though.


Well-Known Member
lol ya whole rig for 20 would be sweet but I only payed 50 for the one pictured so I didn't do bad. I thought the dabber was sweet though, even if not as cheap as plain glass. My wife gave me the eye when I said it was 20 she's like I thought it was gonna cost 5-10 bucks. I said look at it!


Well-Known Member
Just getting ready to head down to the garden thought I'd check in see what everyone is doing. Looks like its been a slow day on everyones thread but Danks :).


Well-Known Member
Well I told you guys you might get some plant pictures!

I'l start off with the seedlings. First we have some pics of the critical cheese auto, 19 days from sprout and it is beginning to flower! I guess it really is an auto :).

Here is the bluecheese Auto. Also at 19 days, and I think it will be showing sex in the next week from the looks of her.

Here's a group shot of the other seedlings, the Lemon Gs are on the left, tangerines in the middle, and Sinmints on the right of the white tray.

As I think I mentioned before I have a tiny bit of yellowing on a few leaves, but the tops are still growing well. I gave them some light nutes earlier tonight.

Here are 3 of the platinum delights in veg that I've taken clones off a few weeks ago. Then I'll show ya the PD in flower :), its been just under 3 weeks since the flip.

This one just went into flower the other day, look at those nodes!!

Here are a few Sin's OG in veg. Then 3 different ones in flower, see if you can tell the differences in growth. The 2 that are frosty it was hard to get a good pic of with my phone but they are very frosty.

Now I bring you POWERNAP, I'm so excited to taste this girl!! I believe she is about 5 weeks into flower I'd have to go back and check some notes.

Now lastly I leave you with a group shot of the flower room threw the door so the lines aren't to bad :).

Hope you guys have a great night and enjoy!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys 4 your thoughts & prayers. Really means a lot 2 me. And thanks 4 being good friends during all that's going on. Really helps a lot just to have good fella's such as you guys 2 just chat with..
Thanks again, Dank.


Well-Known Member
Things are alright when you got friends near.

Nice pics TC. Love that last shot, it's the tale of two plants. One is a 3 foot cola, the other has a few budsites here and there.


Well-Known Member
No problem at all Dank thats what friends do.

I thought that one turned out neat too Jig. The one with the bud sites scattered on it is that really tall OG, and the one that has the nice bud twist going on is the strawberry pheno I've kept around the last few months. I actually think the OG has potential to make some nice buds too, but its gonna be the tallest plant I've ever tried to keep in my tray I think. The other OGs flowering stretched like crazy at first to, and in the last few weeks now have 6 inch or more of gorgeous bud on top. That being said if the tall one puts 6 inch bud sites on top I'll run out of room......... Lesson learned. I guess thats the kinda thing you run into when testing new stuff. I gotta think it is heavily leaning towards the OG genetics in it to look and act like that. I've read OGs are usually stretchy, but then the buds are just ultra dank. Either way this is a new one for me for sure.


Well-Known Member
I almost scraped my comp screen for some of that oil,lol.everything looks good bro.all kind of good things goin on in the THUNDERCAT home.


Well-Known Member
Well I've been busy the last couple days. Extracted about 3 more grams of oil, and spent today making butter. Heres a few pics for you guys. The oil I scraped today I intentionally let evap in the sun to turn it red, and see if it changed the flavor at all. It may have changed the flavor a bit, but not in any negative way its just a bit different from the last stuff from the same trim. It did turn a pretty color red though :). I gotta get some more alcohol tomorrow and work through some more of this trim I still have in the freezer. I'm starting to get a process down I think, so I'm gonna do a step by step at some point this week while I'm doing a run. Hope you guys had a nice weekend. We went out for some BBQ last night, and to the park for a picnic today. Heres what I did before we left though...

Partly scraped

Scraped and pressed out, thats just under 2g

Then my next project after a few dabs of the red oil :).

8 sticks of butter

roughly 3 oz of material went into the pot , some WW bud off that giant plant, and some trim I had on my tray , this is just the 1.5 oz of WW

I added about a 1/2 cup of water and its been simmering for about 5 hours now on the keep warm setting

I'll prolly let it simmer a couple more hours, then shut it off all night and just warm it again and strain it in the morning. I usually simmer my butter for 6-8 hours depending on what i'm doing that day. Then alot of times it sits over night turned off before I strain it.

I think I might use the red oil for some candies and I may not even add any other coloring just some flavor. Let the oil color the candy. We'll see how my week goes and how ambitious I get :).

Latta guys hope you enjoy.
