I used their advanced line for a while till they came out with the gold line. So for flower I used DM Gold A + B, Silica, and Zone. Also used Cal mag cuz I ran RO. Really the flower a and b were the two nutrient bottles. The silica is just silica (or silicate ??)... no matter what you run, I'd suggest using any brand of silica. It makes the cell walls stronger, so they are less susceptible to pests and disease. Makes the stems stronger too. I'd suggest all you guys use silica in your hydro setups (any brand). Same with Zone... I'd suggest almost anyone running hydro try it. It is a rez conditioner. I love love love it. I've never had rot or slime or anything in my rez. Also the zone lowers the viscosity (surface tension) of the water, so the bubbles the airstone/ waterfall produce are much tinier and there are a lot more of them. I haven't used a dissolved oxygen meter to check if it actually makes a difference... but I think it does.
I'd suggest trying DM zone, whatever nutes you use. And any brand of silica. The good thing about the zone is that a liter bottle is $20 I think. And you only use 1mL per Gallon of water. It lasts forever.