Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
to be honest, and i kno alot of people bash mg, but hey tc, can you believe thats all
i use for nutes lol and distilled water, never checked any ph lol just have some test
strips.that i have occ. checked run off with


Well-Known Member
I have looked at Dutchmasters, just havn't pulled the trigger on anything. Which of their nutes did you run Jig?

Smokey I don't bash MG, I've seen some people do great things with it, I just think you also need to be careful with it to not over do things. I also don't really know that its what I'm looking for necessarily. I have a hard time bridging the gap between "if its not broke don't fix it", and "how can I make things better".


Well-Known Member
I keep it Simple and use the Lucas F,With GH nutes.
Ive tried Dutch master gold about 4 yrs ago,It was ok.


Well-Known Member
And that sir is why its been hard to pull away from it. I've been doing Lucas for prolly close to 2 years now with only a few little twists or tweaks at different points and its been going smooth and simple.


Well-Known Member
And that sir is why its been hard to pull away from it. I've been doing Lucas for prolly close to 2 years now with only a few little twists or tweaks at different points and its been going smooth and simple.
Yea,And its not expensive and very forgiving.Damn I have to buy me a Chiller.This changing back and forth is killing me,Plus I hate
Hauling dirt!!


Well-Known Member
hey man, i know.this is prob a dumb question, but honestly never heard of it
what is the lucas formula? and how does it work/go. thanks for the rep tc.
heres some back even though its only worth22 haha


Well-Known Member
Lucas formula is basically a less is more principle. It can be applied to many different nutrient brands I'm only familiar with the GH formula. I run the same mix on all my plants all the time in my flower room( most of the time :) ). For every gallon of water I run 16ml bloom , 8ml micro, and 15ml H202, I also add 1tsp of calmag. This mix comes out around 1300 ppm most of the time if I remember correctly. I've been adding the floralicious plus the last few months which has the ppm up to about 1500 but the plants seem just as happy as before. I can't say I've really noticed a difference since I started using it.

I even use this mix on my "veg" plants (rooted clones) as it has plenty of N for them and seems to keep them pretty happy. I will usually give the clones just plane water every couple days though. I had read about Lucas formula before, but finally decided to give it a try when Hightimes printed the formula for the GH nutes in one of their hydro report articles a couple years ago. The article is actually still taped to my grow room wall from back then. My local shop had been encouraging me to try the GH products for awhile so I figured why not give it a try now.


Well-Known Member
Awesome link thanks Beech!

I've read about the lucas with the flora nova before, maybe I'll try that out. Its got tons of shit in it, so I could prolly cut out the cal mag too....hmmm.


Well-Known Member
I used it in my Soil grow,This last time and you know the results.
My buds are Sooo solid they rattle in a medicine bottle!Damn, I did a good cleaning of grow room yest,and im sore as Chit.:sad:
Also used some Sweet from Bont.and some AACT and Molassas,compost,straw.............EC,BG overlay!



Well-Known Member
I used their advanced line for a while till they came out with the gold line. So for flower I used DM Gold A + B, Silica, and Zone. Also used Cal mag cuz I ran RO. Really the flower a and b were the two nutrient bottles. The silica is just silica (or silicate ??)... no matter what you run, I'd suggest using any brand of silica. It makes the cell walls stronger, so they are less susceptible to pests and disease. Makes the stems stronger too. I'd suggest all you guys use silica in your hydro setups (any brand). Same with Zone... I'd suggest almost anyone running hydro try it. It is a rez conditioner. I love love love it. I've never had rot or slime or anything in my rez. Also the zone lowers the viscosity (surface tension) of the water, so the bubbles the airstone/ waterfall produce are much tinier and there are a lot more of them. I haven't used a dissolved oxygen meter to check if it actually makes a difference... but I think it does.

I'd suggest trying DM zone, whatever nutes you use. And any brand of silica. The good thing about the zone is that a liter bottle is $20 I think. And you only use 1mL per Gallon of water. It lasts forever.


Well-Known Member
What dyna grow products do you run kite, and RL420? The whole line up or just specific ones? I've been using the lucas formula with the GH and have you guys tried applying the Lucas to the dyna grow at all?
Grow/Bloom, protekt, magpro + floralicious plus. Ive used GH lucas formula on my first couple hydro grows, i always had calmag issues. I know you dont but i did for some reason. The grow i started using dyna had no issues, all i do is keep the ppm's around 600 and im gold the entire way through. They never ask for anything.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot guys, I've been really pleased with how things are going lately in the garden. I'm getting ready to go down and work now for a bit get these clones in the tray!

So I'll throw this out there and let you guys bat it around while I'm gone......I've been thinking about trying the advance nutrients ph perfect stuff since I watched that video and did a little reading the other day. I'm not a fan of the price but I was thinking it might be worth giving a try and seeing if I really noticed the difference some people talk about. I've used GH for a few years now with good results, I used fox farms hydro stuff for a few years, I used that Envy which I remember really liking. Just a thought what do you guys think?
I think its a great idea, they do cost a little more but even if they're not the best nute co. out there which it claims to be in many, not all, areas, they still produce some lovely flowers and in my experience, you usually get what you pay for especially in terms of quality. to my knowledge, of all the nute companies out there, not one has taken big mike of AN up on his $1million 'beat my product' challenge... that says a lot in itself. he did do a side by side himself tho..... [video=youtube_share;OeFoKHCXpOU][/video]


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for the info and your mixes I really appreciate it. Saves me having to look back through everyones threads. I both love and hate that there are so many great options out there. I've specifically wanted to try the DM at some point from things I've read, and I keep reading great things about the Dynagro too. The whole million dollar challenge thing does kinda say something though.

RL420 I have had a few mag def issues over the years on certain plants, which is why I started adding the calmag to the mix.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing about cal mag everywhere really, yet its probably the only AN product I don't use. im sure I read somewhere that I didn't have to because of one or more products I DO use and on the same note, one tip if you go down the AN route m8, don't use carboload with bud candy in flower, they're pretty much the same thing... sugary stuff.


Well-Known Member
If I give them a try I was looking at the base nutes and the hobbiest package honestly. There are 3 different ph perfect base nutes from what I've been reading though which one do you use? I was thinking about the connisuer 2 part.


Well-Known Member
sensi grow a+b, sensi bloom a+b, grand master level... I've started using different products over time too, tho i'm far from actually being @ THAT level, i just have the products... I don't even have a ppm pen ffs. haha. I'm still finding my feet with them tbh but if you're interested, i'll be updating my journal soon with all products I use, how much of it and when.