Thug pug genetics anyone?


I grabbed all the Junior crosses and got Billy from the previous drop

ogkb phenos can be a pain in the ass
Thats the truth. I've grown out a few straight ogkb phenos and was not impressed. One from dvg few from thug pug. Think thug pugs threw a bit more yeilds but weren't worth the hype. They were slugs in veg and foliage and nodes were stacked to close, new shoots just don't grow. Smoke on it was good, it got you lit, real narcotic high. Melts ya face. Feel like the ogkbs were getting hyped a few years ago. I would never want to run a full room of them, the yeilds are somewhat low in my opinion, though there are ways to bring the yeild up but going to cost you more veg time. They're good to throw in like 1 or 2 plants into flower for head smoke. Also never really thought as ogkb as a strain (which some breeders list them as) always thought of ogkb as a pheno you'd get with cookie crosses, a somewhat mutated one at that.
Pulled trigger on peanut butter breath
Nice pbb is a awesome strain...I have a pack and 2 clones of pheno hunted peanut butter breath. Honestly gromer saying the junior or whatever gromer is using as new father plant and not the mendobreath(studley spewright) won't show as many ogkb phenos in crosses as mendobreath is a bit weird. Hear me out- I really didn't get any ogkb phenos in my pack of sherb breath and puta breath. My buddy who popped some peanut butter breath crosses seems to have gotten a few. He's growing peanut butter studley at the moment, what that's telling me is the ogkb seems to be showing up in the pbb and pbb crosses so maybe its from the pbb(the dosi in it, maybe?) and not so much the mendo, I don't know though, just food for thought.
So did he change the male for all the new beans? I have a clone of pbb I had obtained through a trade that is what makes me want to pheno hunt for my own likes
So did he change the male for all the new beans? I have a clone of pbb I had obtained through a trade that is what makes me want to pheno hunt for my own likes
Ya I believe he did on some of the new drops, pbb is not though, that's got the mendobreath in it, I believe. For example- the kosher kush breath is kosher kush x jr. I knew that but some people were understandably confused because he uses the breath name on mendobreath(spewright) crosses. Jr. is pugs breath f2 I believe. Anyone please chime in if I'm not getting it right...
My PBB pack was riddled with OGKB types, I only got one “normal” growing female. It was pretty to take pictures but the yield was a joke. I popped 5 brunch breaths and none of them exhibited the OGKB funk. All were vigorous and the females look to be much higher yielding than the PBB. So with my super limited knowledge of breeding it would make sense to me that it is the dosido that is throwing the heavy OGKB types, seeing as both of these crosses use the studly male
My PBB pack was riddled with OGKB types, I only got one “normal” growing female. It was pretty to take pictures but the yield was a joke. I popped 5 brunch breaths and none of them exhibited the OGKB funk. All were vigorous and the females look to be much higher yielding than the PBB. So with my super limited knowledge of breeding it would make sense to me that it is the dosido that is throwing the heavy OGKB types, seeing as both of these crosses use the studly male
Ya that what I'm saying I saw- few people mentioning gromer saying something about the mendobreath throwing the ogkb phenos and that's when I was thinking, no way its the mendo. Saw my buddies grow and figured the ogkbs are definitely linked more toward the peanut butter breath strains and most likely the because of the dosidos. I didnt get any ogkb phenos with my puta or sherb breath
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Ya I believe he did on some of the new drops, pbb is not though, that's got the mendobreath in it, I believe. For example- the kosher kush breath is kosher kush x jr. I knew that but some people were understandably confused because he uses the breath name on mendobreath(spewright) crosses. Jr. is pugs breath f2 I believe. Anyone please chime in if I'm not getting it right...
Mendobreath F4 Studly grandson
So did he change the male for all the new beans? I have a clone of pbb I had obtained through a trade that is what makes me want to pheno hunt for my own likes
And when you say new beans, what Im meaning new drops, like meaty one, kosher kush breath, and grape moby. If he did use the jr on the the just released peanut butter breath on oregon elite seeds that would be news to all of us. I just assumed the pbb is the same x with mendo and was just restocked. All this said I'm sure the jr is fucking fire not worried about it whatsoever.
I’m on my 2nd pack of pbb and I’ve had some ogkb leaners in mine. Only got one female to show from that first pack. Also I have two more pbbs from my second pack going in veg that haven’t shown sex yet. They’re growing nice and vigorously. Got a third pack too and probably will look for a little Studly of my own for some seed making. :weed::bigjoint::peace: