Thug pug genetics anyone?

It’s Grand Traverse Cherry x mendobreath f2 (aka studly). I’m not 100% positive what the genetics of it is though, but I assume it’s cherry pie x lurch a.k.a. Mendo montage F3. Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but I did talk to one of my buddies that had one of his friends run it and it turned out so amazing he went out and bought a pack. Coming from him, it must have some fire pheno’s to be found.
3 different girls were hit with the same pollen was my understanding. Grand traverse cherry is definitely one of them
Hunh I didn’t know that, that’s actually pretty cool. So if grand traverse cherry is one of them, I’m pretty sure Cherryhills is another, that makes me wonder what the last one is. He made cherry pie breath, so I doubt it’s cherry pie.
It’s Grand Traverse Cherry x mendobreath f2 (aka studly). I’m not 100% positive what the genetics of it is though, but I assume it’s cherry pie x lurch a.k.a. Mendo montage F3. Sorry I couldn’t be more help, but I did talk to one of my buddies that had one of his friends run it and it turned out so amazing he went out and bought a pack. Coming from him, it must have some fire pheno’s to be found.
Didn't thug himself say it was cherry puff x cherry pie breath? Where tf you guys gettin this info from lol
Growmer will not answer DM's on IG only CannaBuzz so if you Join their just dm him he will answer as long as your not to impatient like loop718 already said.
So I misread! It’s an open pollination? Drag, I may not hav gotten that pack knowing it that way. Not had great luck with open pollinations. Flash back to gage green hp-13
I think you miss read his post, he said on ig that it was grand travers Cherry x lurch, those others are specific crosses.
But it isn't though, I didn't misread his post.

I went ahead and DM’d gromer, he responded saying Michigan mouth is, cherry puff, cherry pie and cherry pie breath x Mendo breath f2
Good stuff, so it's 2 diff crosses? He should have just called the cherry pie breath x mendo: cherry pie breath bx lol.

Appreciate the info, looks like the websites that sell the seeds have no fucking clue.
Exactly and why I usually don't take their info as facts but gromer could save the hassle and put his parents right on the pack like others do idk why he doesn't.
But it isn't though, I didn't misread his post.

Good stuff, so it's 2 diff crosses? He should have just called the cherry pie breath x mendo: cherry pie breath bx lol.

Exactly and why I usually don't take their info as facts but gromer could save the hassle and put his parents right on the pack like others do idk why he doesn't.
Yeah I looked at his IG and it is an open pollination between cherry puff, cherry pie, and cherry pie breath. He must be shadow banned because I haven’t been seeing any of his posts lately, along with the few other breeders. Definitely looks like there’s some fire pheno’s to be found in it though, looks like I’m going to try and scoop at least one pack. Glad he cleared it up on IG because these seeds banks have no clue what they’re selling.
Yeah I looked at his IG and it is an open pollination between cherry puff, cherry pie, and cherry pie breath. He must be shadow banned because I haven’t been seeing any of his posts lately, along with the few other breeders. Definitely looks like there’s some fire pheno’s to be found in it though, looks like I’m going to try and scoop at least one pack. Glad he cleared it up on IG because these seeds banks have no clue what they’re selling.
Ah true enough, man I wish I had the coin and space to hunt through a bunch of his gear. Gunna be interesting to see if costs go up as he nears the end of his breeding as he claims.
Ah true enough, man I wish I had the coin and space to hunt through a bunch of his gear. Gunna be interesting to see if costs go up as he nears the end of his breeding as he claims.
Same here, if I had the bread I would snag two of those packs of Michigan mouth right now but I don’t. I got a couple other things I want to grab before I grab those, so hopefully they’re still in stock in a couple weeks. I got one of his sherb breath packs, two of his unicorn poop, two of his peanut butter breath, two of his mule fuel(that came with the garlic butter freebies), and two of his purple drank breath. I definitely wouldn’t mind adding two of the Michigan mouth packs to the vault. He also said in one of his posts he plans on making an apple fritter cross, and I wouldn’t mind snagging a couple of those since I just got a pack of the S1’s from Clearwater genetics.
Same here, if I had the bread I would snag two of those packs of Michigan mouth right now but I don’t. I got a couple other things I want to grab before I grab those, so hopefully they’re still in stock in a couple weeks. I got one of his sherb breath packs, two of his unicorn poop, two of his peanut butter breath, two of his mule fuel(that came with the garlic butter freebies), and two of his purple drank breath. I definitely wouldn’t mind adding two of the Michigan mouth packs to the vault. He also said in one of his posts he plans on making an apple fritter cross, and I wouldn’t mind snagging a couple of those since I just got a pack of the S1’s from Clearwater genetics.
Hunting 2 packs in April of the michigan mouth. I'm stoked!