Thug pug genetics anyone?

Alright alright alright got some pics coming up in a few weeks got 2 peanut butter breath 1 meat breath 1 Sophie's breath 1 squatch can't wait to see these about to clone a cherry hills and a child's breath so hopefully those are females to I'll let u know
Going to grab another pack from elite tomorrow. Help me decide out of these: white montage, banana s1, bad breath, cactus breath, purple pug, fire breath and banana loaf.
Anyone have lemonbreath running or may have any beans laying around? I can t rade. If not wondering if anyone has grown her and how they like her. Thanks!
5/10 garlic breath are mutated in one way or another. Other 5 looking good... could it be the chem in the cross higher percentage of mutations? I have a 3 cotleydon plants and a the rest the seed didn't pop off until late forming a mutation
@Terrapin2 The LoKey/ThugPug collab crosses drop tomorrow.. $125 a pack shipped. All crosses expect Guerrilla
Hey all, I got Firebreath, Ghostbreath and Garlicbreath recently.
I noticed the Garlicbreath and Ghostbreath bags were heat-sealed, but the Firebreath came from different source and was not sealed. Do you think I got scammed?
I read somewhere in this thread way back that other people also didn't get theirs sealed, and Gromer1 only started doing the heat-sealing around late last year, can anyone confirm this so that I can rest easy, not worrying that my purchase is gonna be a bunch of bagseed? :P

Garlic and Fire were heat sealed because he said that even the seeds had a stink to them.
Bananas and cherries (banana og x cherry puff)
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Tried starting 3 seeds but I had some bad luck, there was a storm the day I planted them, lost power for 5 days and it got down to 38 degrees in my house for 4 days. Within 24 hours of power coming back, this one popped, I waited another week for the other two to come up, but they didn't. Oh well I still have the rest of the pack to play with, fingers crossed this one that made it turns out to be a nice female for me.

Well this lone survivor is a lady, I feel pretty lucky for that. Spitting hairs in veg. I have a couple clones going into flower this week.

These clones got pretty tall in veg (28 days), lots of space between nodes and big fat wide blade leaves
is Incanlama an instagram vendor only?
if not where's his site?
btw is meat breathstill available? or was it renamed meatmadness?
2wks ago my 4 MBs came down and were keeper status big thumbs up.
very Very big in the taste/buzz dept.
yield was average/ok but the were untopped.
after reveg I'll be aggressively LST'g and see where we are.
BTW PBB is also a real star and a keeper in my stable
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Only two strains were heat sealed.. Garlic Breath and Fire Breath.
My garlic breath wasn't hear sealed it just came in a purple pack with a pug picture in a small Ziploc. Greenprime I ended up getting a pack of oni seed co instead. Chemtrails x Tropicana cookies.
Peanut Butter Breath, super dense and frosty
