Thug pug genetics anyone?

It's been around a long time (labyrinth) but a buddy told me it's a glitch there's none left.
If you try it'll go back to zero in checkout or something he said.
True that’s why it glitched the fuck out on me when I clicked add to cart. Looks like I’m waiting for GLO’s restock if he hasn’t already done it. I’m kind of getting sick of hitting refresh lol
Damn looks like everything is sold out on labyrinth. Oh well, looks like I’m waiting for him to drop the Urinal Cake.
they seemed to have held back the wedding poop. haven't seen it the last couple of drops
True that, the past couple restocks I didn’t see them listed. When they first dropped I was looking at them, but I went with a pack of Dingle Berry and Honey Bells(to be honest I was most hyped for the Dingle Berry out of all of them). Looking back on it I should’ve ordered two of the Wedding Poop when I had the chance then. Live and learn though, if I can’t get at least one pack when he restocks them I’ll just wait for the Urinal Cakes when they drop. No point in getting myself stressed out hitting the refresh button every 30 minutes to an hour.
Couldn't get anything on this drop, I was out before the count lol. Good shit guys. Transferred all except 1 of MB into their 2 gallons for flower, gonna let em acclimate to their new pots before I take a good topping for clones, another week or two and then flip. Just took down the Trop Cookies MTN cut or whatever and Gohhh Dang she reeks like oranges.
SHN still has some older stuff, has anyone ever used them? I’m debating on whether or not I should get another pack of Carl’s shoes.
i think that is a zkittles cross there? you think billy is worth is or slept on>?... i did manage to get moby grape and pb crunch i was iff on the pb crunch frfr didnt want to get it but jumped bc of the hype @Misterpfffff
i think that is a zkittles cross there? you think billy is worth is or slept on>?... i did manage to get moby grape and pb crunch i was iff on the pb crunch frfr didnt want to get it but jumped bc of the hype @Misterpfffff

Yeah Skittlez x Junior (mendobreath f4).

Billy is likely worth but I've never had skittlez, just know the popularity.
Junior looks great (there's a pic on gromers page somewhere of him) to me, big and strong with what appeared to be 2-3 inches of internode spacing, didn't look like it would need staking with the branch thickness. He was a big boy.

I think it's sold out everywhere else so it might be a steal to grab it now.
That said, I haven't seen a ton of posts looking for that one like I have the Kosher, etc.

I'm done I got 9 kkbs....good grief. I can't afford to invest anymore.
Yeah Skittlez x Junior (mendobreath f4).

Billy is likely worth but I've never had skittlez, just know the popularity.
Junior looks great (there's a pic on gromers page somewhere of him) to me, big and strong with what appeared to be 2-3 inches of internode spacing, didn't look like it would need staking with the branch thickness. He was a big boy.

I think it's sold out everywhere else so it might be a steal to grab it now.
That said, I haven't seen a ton of posts looking for that one like I have the Kosher, etc.

I'm done I got 9 kkbs....good grief. I can't afford to invest anymore.

Yooo dude, please share that pic of Junior on Gromers page? Would really like to see him.