Thug pug genetics anyone?

I actually had no idea TP was becoming so rare. I'd read bits and pieces here and there about Gromer going in new direction in life, but assumed they'd still be plenty of packs to be had. I only have like 3 packs in my stash.
But, this little mom and pop dispo near me had a few packs on a shelf behind the counter for sale at $50. They've been there awhile so nothing "new" and def. not stored properly, but maybe I should I grab em. I cant recall what they were other than Sophies Breath, but I think I'll take the 20 minute ride and check em out this weekend.
I'll report back if there's anything super rare.
Definitely do it, they probably don't keep up with whats what in the breeder/seed game. Gromer is definitely retiring because of a serious health problem. That's why in the past few months shit has been flying off the shelves. I've noticed it this winter with new drops and old stash were going quick. Sophies breath is really fire also, that definitely a flagship strain of tp, from what I seen gromer loves sophies breath. Hopefully Gromer makes a full recovery with spinal issues. Lets send him good vibes and Tang go get that shit dude!
Anyone got info on dingleberry vs michigan mouth? Reading the same genetics on them, but info could be wrong. Also anyone got a line on the next seedbank to drop? Thanks buds!
Dingle berry is just cherry puff x cherry pie breath. Michigan mouth is a open pollination of Cherry Puff, Cherry Pie, Cherry Pie Breath x Mendo Breath F2
Glo has a bunch of shit up Dingleberries,Honey Bells, Juniors Jello, Moby Grape.

Sorry boys I got all 3 packs of Kosher Kush Breath
Why are you guys buying multiple pack of same strains just to flip or auction them? Or you actually going to hunt them? Seems to be becoming a trading card game. Hope you guys plan on popping this fire and posting how it comes out.
Why are you guys buying multiple pack of same strains just to flip or auction them? Or you actually going to hunt them? Seems to be becoming a trading card game. Hope you guys plan on popping this fire and posting how it comes out.

All these are getting popped, I tear into packs and count the seeds as soon as I get them so nobody is gonna buy that shit lol.

I’ll post pics when I run them, don’t know when.

I’ve been posting pics of PBB lately.

Also I started with 2 packs of PBB and only got 6 that weren’t runty OGKBs or males, 1 of the 6 is an OGKB leaner.

Sometimes you need mas packs
All these are getting popped, I tear into packs and count the seeds as soon as I get them so nobody is gonna buy that shit lol.

I’ll post pics when I run them, don’t know when.

I’ve been posting pics of PBB lately.

Also I started with 2 packs of PBB and only got 6 that weren’t runty OGKBs or males, 1 of the 6 is an OGKB leaner.

Sometimes you need mas packs
Hell yea!! Out of my pbb i only had 1 non ogkb female but shes stupid fire. You will deff be happy with what you got going! Deff want to see your kkb run.