Thug pug genetics anyone?

Well, truth be told if he listed all of the packs they'd have been long gone since morning.
One big fish puts all of them in his cart and make 3-5x his $3000 or whatever spent.
This is very true. Another bank or even regular person like one of us could snag up a shitload if they don't have a purchase order limit and make a nice profit. People can not agree on the ethics but its business and how capitalism works.
I've been doing the same all day for more, missed the damn KKB but got another Meaty One and Honey Bells to trade for them x'D
I got the meaty one and moby grape. Not sure I like that putang plant thats in the cross of moby grape from mass medical. I'm sure is super dank but from the pics I've seen its just not great visually, at least to me. I'm picky.
I refreshed the page every minute or so before they went live again, seen everything full stock and pulled the trigger faster than a wild west movie.

Got KKB in my cart when there was 3 left (full stock I think) and decided to leave the 2 others for you guys <3

Also, gromer says seeds have been sent to the banks, but when I contacted Terpy and Frostedphenos they both told me that they havent ordered any from gromer yet.


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Im waiting until the other banks drop. Im trying to get like 10 packs, so 10 or 15 dollars a pack more from glo adds up!