Thug pug genetics anyone?

I was looking at the peanut butter breath then it went viral, it gave me ptsd back to trying to get grape stomper. Then perfectly timed, I got 2 packs of that drop. On one hand it doesn’t seem significant, on the other the price is bound to go up and they’ll probably sell out faster than crap from now on. @rmzrmz what a greasy bowl of goodness! Nice work man!
I just came to say bc of you guys I bought that last pack of pbb.. I wasn’t a believer until I went to a expo and a breeder used pbb as the male and everything smelled like pbb on steroids ..oddly enough the f2s had a slightly lower smell but still dank

And I think my pack should be here Monday that’s like 2 or 3 days to my door .. I luv this shit lol