Thrips or fungus gnats. Or what ???

They look like second pic cuz I dint see legs. What the heck are springtales

Here’s another post about them:

They’re honestly good for the soil, so unless you really want them gone for some reason, just let them be.
Here’s another post about them:

They’re honestly good for the soil, so unless you really want them gone for some reason, just let them be.
Do stuff or not do stuff. I chose leave them be. Lol. Thanks
My phone messed up and won’t let me send another pic. If u scroll up I took a few clearer ones. I think and hope it’s spring tales
Either way.. FG or ST, they won't mess with your buds.. they are more of a pain in the ass and annoying more than anything. Put out some large sticky yellow traps on every plant to see if you can capture some adult FG's ,or ST's ... that will give you a better idea of what's going on.
A handy and cheap tip... put mosquito dunks (BTI) in a net type sock and keep it soaking in your water tank. It will kill out the larvae as you feed/water.. and the sticky traps will get the adults. Takes a little while to get rid of them, but these are good measures to control them. Make sure you get a good runoff when you feed/water.
Next time you water pay close attention to the water on top. You should be able to see them "jump" if they are springtails. They don't always jump around but will when watering as they float to the surface. They will also burrow right back into the medium as the water drains.

As said before, if they are springtails they are beneficial. Good luck.