Thrichome question with digital microscope

Sunny Dee

The microscope i have does not show colour. Greyscale if u will. I can gry up to 100x zoom.

If i cant see amber. Should i look for the head of the trichomes to be filled up. Like they look like a golf ball on a tee. 85% of the trichome heads are filled and u cant see thru themm. Is that what i should look for instead of amber. Is that the heads of the trichomes arw filled and u cant see through them? Which in theory would be a "cloudy thrichome"

Sunny Dee


its semi colour? idk.. this plant here looks ready to me. but infact its not even close. prolly another 20 days..

ive legit been to 7 stores. i have 3 scopes. digital one which is this one 150x minimum, 2 loupes 1 at 6x other at 10x nothing gives me a good indication.. its frustrating.

Sunny Dee


this one here is really close.. its blue widow at 50 days.. looks finished to me. breeder says 55 days. ill let er go 58. shes been great all the way thru no setbacks.

and judging thise tris. IMO doesnt even look close to finishing, its weird.

Sunny Dee


heres my 10x loupe it just doesnt quite get in there enough.. totally frustrated.. ive spent so much time trying to find a correct scope.

my rant. :(


Well-Known Member
I had a small 6x, bought a 10x, both are no good for me on trichs. I have a 40x by 30mm coming in the mail. I hope that'll stir the koolaid for my blind ass.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
I have a 100x loupe from ebay it only cost me £4 with free shipping, it also has an led light to help you see the trichhomes.