Threw My Seeds...

... in today, in the paper towel method... damp paper towel in ziplock bag.

my questions are, once i see root, do i throw them in the solo cup full of dirt, with the root pointing up or down?
what kind of soil do i use?
and what kind of light cycle? 24/0? 18/6?

thanks in advance!


Just put the seeds right into soil or whatever medium you're using and keep it moist. Using paper towels and transferring the sprouts offers no real advantage, and the extra handling could be harmful.

Since you've already used paper towels just get them into a good seed starting mix fast. The root goes down, come on.


Well-Known Member
After the root pops out the seed will become the top of the plant. So point the root down
and pack soil around the root. IMPORTANT -- after packing around the root, sprinkle a tiny
bit of soil on top of the seedcap. A TINY AMOUNT! Your seedling has to push through that
dirt to find daylight so make it a small amount.

Good luck, BigSteve.