three weeks into flowering


hi all, i've been searching for an answer regarding root bound vs under-watering. I have two girls that have displayed very droopy leaves (toward the bottom) and i discovered today that the bottoms of the pots were extremely dry and when i added water it seemed to just bead out from the bottom drain holes instead of absorb into the, i gave it a nice watering (w/o nutes) allowing the catch trays to fill up past the holes and i watched all the water then get absorbed into the pot. i guess i'm wondering if my girls aren't getting the enough water due to root bound or if it's just a an issue of under-watering. not sure what to do??? many thanks for help!!
i posted earlier here's the link with some pics..


Well-Known Member
iv seen very big plants in small pots but with regular watering there hasn't been a problem i think there's another thread on here somewhere that's got some good info about it .