three week old starts from uncle i think one is male


Active Member

hey i thin this has some fuckin balls you tell me im running it my closet with 5 other five galls it temp is around fucking 81-84 i cant get it down i have a fan
but yeah ike i said this has some balls i think. let me know. thanks.


im in washington and under the med act i am diagnosed hodgkins disease CANCER whooo. any help would be appreciated this is my first grow.\\

yahoo IM me doomtoke6



Active Member
ok so i just picked one of those things and this powdery stuff came out obviously pollen right? ok real question, since i ust found abou this problem today i pulled the only male i could find outa the crop. how fucked oare my other plants, theve been in there a week, but like i said i just found the damn bastard today.