three leaves and no buds?

ganja goddess

Active Member
I have been growing a plant outside in a pot for about a month or a little more now and it only is sprouting three leaves, I know this isn't normal, but is it bad? Also I haven't noticed any buds, is it still too early or is something wrong? :???:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Godess,

A plant should have more than 3 leaves after 4 weeks of growth...

for a plant to flower (give buds) it must receive 12 hours of uninterupterd darkness evey 24 hours.... it will begin to FLOWER after 2 weeks and then, if it is a female it will be HARVEST-ABLE in another 4-8 weeks..


do you have a picture of your plant?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
looks good..

stop watering.. the plant looks overwatered.. make sure you pH your water...
and give us some clear pictures...

Make sure you keep the light close to your leaves.. you have stretching already..



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GK you move fast, ganja goddess hasn't been here long and you're already networking with her.

Are you rollitups longest serving member btw? If not, who is?