Three 600's or two 1000's?

Bigger Bud

room size is 6x8. Currently running 2 1000's. Thinking about going to three 600's for efficiency (and reduced electric footprint). Bubbleponics all the way. Thoughts?
Check the bulbs you are using / want to use. I'd suspect you'd get more lumens with 1800w of 600w HPS over 2000w from the two 1000w. The 600w bulbs are the most efficient lumens/watt bulbs of all the HPS. Likely mean more lumens, less heat, less electricity, but the numbers will tell.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
600 will spread light, and 1000 give better light, by penetrate deep in the plan for low buds. So grow style. Is really key here + what ever else you facter in


Active Member
You can get closer with 600's and actually put more lumens on them HPS_chart1.jpg this might give you an idea. I was using two 600s and took one out to try a 600 asking with a 1000 cook tube to get a bit of a side by side. I'll see in time I guess.


Well-Known Member
I doubt the difference will be all that much. IMHO 600's are way overrated. People talk about inverse square law and more lumens etc. But light doesn't disappear unless it is absorbed it just spreads out. They do have their place though.

Either way results would be similar, and if you were starting fresh, and you chose 3 600s...sure whatever. But I think switching is a waste. The 200 watts your saving isn't much, and you'll have to spend XXX on new ballasts, bulbs, and a new reflector.

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
A 600w light setup costs about the same as a 1000w light setup. I agree with Jiji-------little difference in production.

I suggest 2 x 1K on a light mover ( I like the light rail 3 mover).

Frame of reference:
Sunlight intensity is around 10,000 foot candles mid summer clear day------which is around 16 inches from the glass in an air cooled hood. Any buds receiving less than 2500 foot candles-----counter productive.



Active Member
Pick what you want, what fits your room better, what your more comfortable with cause no one will agree. I have both, 4x600 and 2x1000, and I will not ever use a light rail, we aren't or at least I'm not mimicking the out doors, I'm improving on it and I see better results without but that's just me. I've been to some of the biggest greenhouses in the US and I have always seen a stationary lights 95% of the time unless there was a unique situation such as propagation on mums. So your call.