Fuck some mids, I’ve never had shitty or even mediocre looking weed smoke nearly as good as something grown and processed with care, Idrc if it’s indoor, or outdoor unless we talking price.
Fuck some mids, I’ve never had shitty or even mediocre looking weed smoke nearly as good as something grown and processed with care, Idrc if it’s indoor, or outdoor unless we talking price.
Mids according to the dispensary raised crowd.

Funny how the few 20 somethings I know try to buy my mids over the 3 dispensaries. HMMMM?
So sad. A monster for supply. And mids? You are sad if appearance is your rating. My mids would seat you for awhile. Like I keep informing @bk78 it is not a chia pet in a garden. As all you people seem to know.

Have you a non native house plant? Talk to me when you can grow multiple species in the wrong place. Weed is a weed and stupid easy indoors with other peoples products to do it. G row something besides a chia pet. LOL.
Did someone say Chia Pet?

Where I’m at if it’s not mine it’s probably mids to me.

Mids were a few seeds and nice skunky citrus. Now it seems umbrella drink named strains with girly sweetness are top shelf. I smoke for high. These snobs of no training should find out what real smoke is. Itchy eyes and cotton mouth.SAD.
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To be fair what I call mids is objectively decent smoke, just nothing to write home about. RN the markets flooded with last years cali outdoor it’s making shit hard ngl mfs wanting $100zs like overheads not a thing.
Seed to sale in Canada? You have a spare million sitting in your bank I hope because you’ll need it if that’s your end goal is to sell to shops here.

Had a few friends try to get the micro cultivator license, they went broke before they even got near the finish line.
not canada my friend.
I don't know. Your pics are cat bon bons that are flat. And damn! You could have made
$200- 300 if you hadn't. Brick weed is under $60/O by the kilo. Grow a plant besides someone else's perfected strain outdoors.

And the broccoli was more than your entire harvest. Still dry sifting amazingly golden hash. As you buy $60 o's waiting for the next toxic batch. Grow a pair and grow a monster.
depos here.. prices are;
140-180 oz shake
180-300 oz flower from low to top shelf.
that’s retail for them.
it’s been awhile djentlemen.

i bought a small building. im currently setting up a grow inside and building on to the building outside.

so far i have 2/3-4x8s
i’ll be using one of the side rooms for mycology and the other two rooms for storage. my main room is being used for 3 tents and then i have a security TV and stuff setup.

before i order these SF4000s (2per tent) anyone have any recommendations?

i’ll be growing 6-8plants per 4x8 as i have done this before and been able to pull right around 1lb per plant with 4plant per 4x4.

using soil and LED lighting for now. will be switching to table growing once i finish this first addition.

im running Godfather OG and Do-si-dos for this first crop. half and half.

i’m super stoked to jump back in man! View attachment 5137904View attachment 5137905View attachment 5137906View attachment 5137907View attachment 5137908
Why didn't you buy a 10x10' tent along with a single 8x4? It's a lot harder / most expensive to control multiple environments.
Gheez what’s with the flack, ur an idiot if u can’t see my man is seriously stepping his game up. Good for him I say! Yeah maybe I would have went with a single tent just for the cost of maintaining an environment but he might wanna run diff cycles. Maybe 1 for veg 2 for flower idk. But @Cvntcrusher well done on taking the plunge, making the investment and having a plan, I’d cut my nuts off to have a dedicated room and that kind of space. Hats off bro!
Gheez what’s with the flack, ur an idiot if u can’t see my man is seriously stepping his game up. Good for him I say! Yeah maybe I would have went with a single tent just for the cost of maintaining an environment but he might wanna run diff cycles. Maybe 1 for veg 2 for flower idk. But @Cvntcrusher well done on taking the plunge, making the investment and having a plan, I’d cut my nuts off to have a dedicated room and that kind of space. Hats off bro!
I don't know if telling him a bigger tent would be easier is considered flack. You can run different cycles with one flowering tent and one veg tent. That's basically what I'm doing now with a veg room and two flowering tents that I conjoined because it was a hassle when they were separate.
I don't know if telling him a bigger tent would be easier is considered flack. You can run different cycles with one flowering tent and one veg tent. That's basically what I'm doing now with a veg room and two flowering tents that I conjoined because it was a hassle when they were separate.
Sorry mate I didn’t mean you I just meant the people saying he won’t be able to do seed to sale and his buds are mids etc
@Cvntcrusher so how’s it getting on then? Don’t be shy, post up ur progress haha I’m looking forward to it.
I’m actually about to do up a 4x8, I had hoped it was gonna be a 5x10 but the space just isn’t gonna work. Allready have a bunch of stuff including 2 350rs but will be looking for another light to put between them. I’ve been looking at the geeklight monster board pro 4800. But enough about me I’m not trying to hijack, just letting u know I’m watching and taking notes.

it’s coming together! started germination last night @11pm using paper towels and a plastic box for easier terms lol

5 of each and going to be using my freebies in my outdoor grow. i’m so pumped to drop these in my medium! 278A0409-CCBA-4C26-872C-DCE00D8F1220.jpeg7114D955-8FB2-44AB-9773-0FEC0B82E52C.jpeg16A1CC94-7B67-41C2-BBCB-D15784F83627.jpeg82FBE7DC-BDC2-4C0A-85B7-C8345DE3BF05.jpegA863F1AF-4E91-4F91-B8C9-5E962997E402.jpeg5B21B202-C29E-40B3-A573-7606E8241893.jpeg