Thoughts out to


Well-Known Member
Sen. Kennedy and its nice to know we here in this great country have a chance to turn this thing around. Feels verrrrrry good to be an AMERICAN today.


Well-Known Member
lmao. u must be one of those Obama maniacs. tell me, why didnt it feeel so good every other day? oh, right, change. like nominating a Treasury Sec who evades taxes. C'mon.


Well-Known Member
lmao. u must be one of those Obama maniacs. tell me, why didnt it feeel so good every other day? oh, right, change. like nominating a Treasury Sec who evades taxes. C'mon.
Im just a human being concerned about another one....YOU must be "one of those" people who like to label others right ???? Lemme give it a try. Huh...from the looks of the avitar......if its must be an Ann(tichrist) Coulterite type who, with no provocation, attacks anything even resembling the "left" .(lmao) Really a bit much for you to presume my ideology about anything just because i was watching a defining moment in a nations history on TELEVISION and expressed concern for a man, who has brain cancer, and went into convulsions. You "C'mon".
I would address your comment on the nominee for Sec of Treas don't even know his name and the info you do have came "riiiiiight" from Ann(tichrist), Sean or your boy Rush. Something from FOX huh ??? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you're smarter than to be a follower of "BILLO".................that said put the "crime" in perspective, ignore the press and "think" for yourself. Because you post here, should that be grounds for exclusion for ANYTHING in your future ???? Guess what....If I can get by, around, through or otherwise avoid a "tax" I will. Buuuuuut not you right.....Noooope just the fact that a "nominee" is'nt all squeaky clean you use at as a means to dismiss an entire nations CHANCE to change. Buuuuut you probably assume no change is in order right ????
You know your hydro....reeeeeeal well, but not me my friend. See how I made presumptions and labeled you based on a single thought ??? Juuuuuust ain't right.....peace and love my friend.


Well-Known Member
Im just a human being concerned about another one....YOU must be "one of those" people who like to label others right ???? Lemme give it a try. Huh...from the looks of the avitar......if its must be an Ann(tichrist) Coulterite type who, with no provocation, attacks anything even resembling the "left" .(lmao) Really a bit much for you to presume my ideology about anything just because i was watching a defining moment in a nations history on TELEVISION and expressed concern for a man, who has brain cancer, and went into convulsions. You "C'mon".
I would address your comment on the nominee for Sec of Treas don't even know his name and the info you do have came "riiiiiight" from Ann(tichrist), Sean or your boy Rush. Something from FOX huh ??? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you're smarter than to be a follower of "BILLO".................that said put the "crime" in perspective, ignore the press and "think" for yourself. Because you post here, should that be grounds for exclusion for ANYTHING in your future ???? Guess what....If I can get by, around, through or otherwise avoid a "tax" I will. Buuuuuut not you right.....Noooope just the fact that a "nominee" is'nt all squeaky clean you use at as a means to dismiss an entire nations CHANCE to change. Buuuuut you probably assume no change is in order right ????
You know your hydro....reeeeeeal well, but not me my friend. See how I made presumptions and labeled you based on a single thought ??? Juuuuuust ain't right.....peace and love my friend.

oh, you must be one of those 'nigger lovers'

JUST JOKING i know theres alot of people HAPPY, and there alot of people MAD AS FUCK right now.

but you know what... MY PRESIDENT IS BLACK!!!


Well-Known Member
I will miss bush and all his bloopers as seen on letterman and all those other tv shows BAHAHAHAH,


Well-Known Member
Know why it's so cold lately????

From all those rich white folks saying "It'll be a cold day in hell , before a Black man's the president" !!

Well, bundle up Crackers, today is that DAY

This was sent to me, I thought it was funny. I am however white, and don't give a fuck who is in the whitehouse. As long as they don't fuck with me, or try to fuck with my money , were all good. I'll leave you alone, you leave me alone, Life is good. I pay my taxes , you fucking forget i'm here. And about this whole change thing, GOOD FUCKING LUCK BARRACK. You grabbed the reins in the worst economic shitstorm since the 1930's . I hate to say it folks, HOPE is a funny thing, right up until its ripped from your arms and destroyed right in front of your eyes. I'm all for change, but I also know where it leads. The whole country is filled with HOPE, for CHANGE, RIGHT NOW. But when the so called "SAVIOR" that is Barrack Obama, Crashes and Burns before the entire country , The world will not be a happy place. I wish him the best and if he pulls it off, I will Happily eat my words in a NICE GREASY SHITBURGER. My Money says it dont get any better until long after Obama is out of terms and office. Probably not untill a couple more administrations take office and leave. Hell all the shit were in now is from a couple administrations before G DUB took office.

Smoke on fellas, that needed to be said. Anyone agree?


Well-Known Member
Know why it's so cold lately????

From all those rich white folks saying "It'll be a cold day in hell , before a Black man's the president" !!

Well, bundle up Crackers, today is that DAY

This was sent to me, I thought it was funny. I am however white, and don't give a fuck who is in the whitehouse. As long as they don't fuck with me, or try to fuck with my money , were all good. I'll leave you alone, you leave me alone, Life is good. I pay my taxes , you fucking forget i'm here. And about this whole change thing, GOOD FUCKING LUCK BARRACK. You grabbed the reins in the worst economic shitstorm since the 1930's . I hate to say it folks, HOPE is a funny thing, right up until its ripped from your arms and destroyed right in front of your eyes. I'm all for change, but I also know where it leads. The whole country is filled with HOPE, for CHANGE, RIGHT NOW. But when the so called "SAVIOR" that is Barrack Obama, Crashes and Burns before the entire country , The world will not be a happy place. I wish him the best and if he pulls it off, I will Happily eat my words in a NICE GREASY SHITBURGER. My Money says it dont get any better until long after Obama is out of terms and office. Probably not untill a couple more administrations take office and leave. Hell all the shit were in now is from a couple administrations before G DUB took office.

Smoke on fellas, that needed to be said. Anyone agree?
I feel your broke and have money problems like alot of us.


Well-Known Member
Actually for where I'm from I'm doing quite well. My line of work is thriving, and I made more money than I ever have before in 2008. As far as being broke, I'll never be broke............I can GROW WEED!!!!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Know why it's so cold lately????

From all those rich white folks saying "It'll be a cold day in hell , before a Black man's the president" !!

Well, bundle up Crackers, today is that DAY

This was sent to me, I thought it was funny. I am however white, and don't give a fuck who is in the whitehouse. As long as they don't fuck with me, or try to fuck with my money , were all good. I'll leave you alone, you leave me alone, Life is good. I pay my taxes , you fucking forget i'm here. And about this whole change thing, GOOD FUCKING LUCK BARRACK. You grabbed the reins in the worst economic shitstorm since the 1930's . I hate to say it folks, HOPE is a funny thing, right up until its ripped from your arms and destroyed right in front of your eyes. I'm all for change, but I also know where it leads. The whole country is filled with HOPE, for CHANGE, RIGHT NOW. But when the so called "SAVIOR" that is Barrack Obama, Crashes and Burns before the entire country , The world will not be a happy place. I wish him the best and if he pulls it off, I will Happily eat my words in a NICE GREASY SHITBURGER. My Money says it dont get any better until long after Obama is out of terms and office. Probably not untill a couple more administrations take office and leave. Hell all the shit were in now is from a couple administrations before G DUB took office.

Smoke on fellas, that needed to be said. Anyone agree?
Is that ANYTIME this country has had a man like the one in the White House now........we shoot him. It really scares me......If there is a "secrete society"....a table full of people who make all the worlds decisions.....they won't let him go 2 years.....and I will then believe the conspiracy theorists.....and go somewhere deeeeeeeep in the woods.
"forget I'm here".......perrrrrfect world. Hope we can burn one and eat a big ole shitburger together in 8 yrs


Well-Known Member
Im just a human being concerned about another one....YOU must be "one of those" people who like to label others right ???? Lemme give it a try. Huh...from the looks of the avitar......if its must be an Ann(tichrist) Coulterite type who, with no provocation, attacks anything even resembling the "left" .(lmao) Really a bit much for you to presume my ideology about anything just because i was watching a defining moment in a nations history on TELEVISION and expressed concern for a man, who has brain cancer, and went into convulsions. You "C'mon".
I would address your comment on the nominee for Sec of Treas don't even know his name and the info you do have came "riiiiiight" from Ann(tichrist), Sean or your boy Rush. Something from FOX huh ??? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you're smarter than to be a follower of "BILLO".................that said put the "crime" in perspective, ignore the press and "think" for yourself. Because you post here, should that be grounds for exclusion for ANYTHING in your future ???? Guess what....If I can get by, around, through or otherwise avoid a "tax" I will. Buuuuuut not you right.....Noooope just the fact that a "nominee" is'nt all squeaky clean you use at as a means to dismiss an entire nations CHANCE to change. Buuuuut you probably assume no change is in order right ????
You know your hydro....reeeeeeal well, but not me my friend. See how I made presumptions and labeled you based on a single thought ??? Juuuuuust ain't right.....peace and love my friend.
LMAO. u r not a left radical right? for the record:
-you are guilty of hippocrisy by flying off the handle
-at least Fox news has the balls to tell it like it is
-BillO has been nothing but fair to bam
-um, not paying your taxes even after being audited and told to do so IS NOT NOT BEING SQUEAKY CLEAN-IT IS THE OPPOSITE ESPECIALLY FOR SOMEONE WHO PLANS TO HEAD UP OUR TREASURY.
-lets see-u say think for myself-well I think that a candidate for the head job for the IRS should not have not paid his taxes even after he was told to do so. I must not be too wrong, as he still is not confirmed. Guess I cant be the only one, huh.
You and the others so blind to see what is staring right at them.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. u r not a left radical right? for the record:
-you are guilty of hippocrisy by flying off the handle
-at least Fox news has the balls to tell it like it is
-BillO has been nothing but fair to bam
-um, not paying your taxes even after being audited and told to do so IS NOT NOT BEING SQUEAKY CLEAN-IT IS THE OPPOSITE ESPECIALLY FOR SOMEONE WHO PLANS TO HEAD UP OUR TREASURY.
-lets see-u say think for myself-well I think that a candidate for the head job for the IRS should not have not paid his taxes even after he was told to do so. I must not be too wrong, as he still is not confirmed. Guess I cant be the only one, huh.
You and the others so blind to see what is staring right at them.
They really dooooo exist.....the "bandit" says "Fox" tells it like it is and Bill O'Rielly is a fair and objective reporter.
If i were her I'd unsuscribe also.....if you can't run with the big dog.....unsuscribe.

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
My President is Black - Young Jeezy

Let's just get it out there. It's been posted.

Tight song, though.

It doesn't matter what color he is. He's Democratic, he's liberal, and he is change. He is a table upon which we will put our hopes and dreams for the future. He is Barrack Obama. Let's see what he'll do with the power with which he has been granted.

I'm really hoping he unzips the black suit and reveals that he's the son of Hitler. My friends and I have joked about this for an eternity.