Thoughts on transplanting?


Well-Known Member
It appears to be in the vegetative state, if so no worries. let soil dry out, pop out plug, place on some dirt in new container, backfill with more, water till run off. looks great man! if it is flowering just be more careful with that root ball. If it doesnt come right out cut the container open carefull and dont touch her bits, and water quickly. alternatively you could cut the bottom off of that container an place it in another larger one backfilled too.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted a Bubba's Gift I had sitting in a 10 gallon plastic grow bag into a 45 gallon smart pot yesterday! It was about that size.. do it sooner than later!


Well-Known Member
The roots can go at least as wide as the canopy, the bigger the pot, the bigger harvest.
At that size, I would just plant it in the ground and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
I'd up-pot that girl last week. Saw off all the long roots at the bottom and drop it in a much bigger pot or stick it in the ground.

Looks great and can look even greater in a bigger pot.

too larry

Well-Known Member
It needs more room. A trick I use when transplanting bigger plants is to cut a slit in a tote lid, slide the stalk into the slit, then flip it over to get the pot off. Wouldn't hurt to have another set of hands though.