Thoughts on this incident? Girl v. Guy fight

LOL it's over when they pull out another language.

"slink off to the garage" LOL

Oh ive been grounded to the garage before like when i stayed gone for a week doing coke & missed her birthday i was so fuked up , i wasnt allowed back in the house for a week & then she tied all my jeans in knotts & poisoned my coffee thermos with just enough dish soap to make me blow chunks & be sick all day at work. , she came up with some good ones to pay me back for being a drunk idiot .

Our garage has a 2 bd rm apt over top so its not like i was passed out on a work bench :) i thought i was gonna get the boot last month when i got her helper dog so drunk he blew chunks at the back door & couldnt walk right the next day but i just got a tounge lashing , in english , she speaks fluent arabic , farci & spanish so once she starts in with that shit im outty .
i feel sorry for these chicks.
Not for being hit, that shit wears off
Its because they are fucking nuts
How fucking funny is it when she gets tossed like a rag doll?

Every single person watching that video is secretly hoping THIS happens to her:

Sure, hitting a woman is wrong in a spousal abuse-type scenario. But some people, regardless of vagina or penis, deserve to get knocked the fuck out....

I'm white and I punched a black dude. I'm not racist. It was in jail. Dude knocked my food tray in my lap and called me a bitch. I knocked him out.

Dont give me that line of shit. That your racist views projecting. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do.
I totally agree with you but I think he was just joking?!?

@herbalicious is only a 5'4" Indian girl but she's also a brown belt kickboxer. She'd have ruined that girl, no matter what.
fuck feminists they wanted equal rights anyways seriously i do not even take women serius or waste my time with them thats why i fuck prostitutes. i accidentally fucked one without a cap on to and now i think i have aids but oh well thats the way the crack rock crumbles if i die then to bad------ this indeed will be my signature from now on.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that never wins a fight/argument with the wife:lol:

My wife can say the most incorrect shit ever and it's always shit she heard from someone else too. She'll be like "you know, E does NOT equal mc squared! My sister was just telling me that earlier"

And that's when I look at her and say " yea babe, Albert Einstein was a god damn idiot! That fucker didn't know jack shit" and walk out of the room.
This whole shit falls right in line with what I hear about inner city classrooms and our schools in minority dominated areas. Fucking shit is out of control. My sister in law teaches in Chicago at a satellite private school because this kind of shit happened constantly in the first few public schools she taught at. Fucking black kids were punching teachers and gangs were bringing weapons in too. Unbelievable.

As for the chick in the vid? I don't know, I don't think I could ever hit a girl no matter how fucked up she is. A choke hold or restrain that blitch on the ground for a few minutes though? Yep.

Also, @vro what'd her pussy taste like? Never had a Korean before. Like Kim chi? Bibimbap?
fuck feminists they wanted equal rights anyways seriously i do not even take women serius or waste my time with them thats why i fuck prostitutes. i accidentally fucked one without a cap on to and now i think i have aids but oh well thats the way the crack rock crumbles if i die then to bad------ this indeed will be my signature from now on.

So I'm not a feminist.

and I am NOT a prostitute.

I believe in rights that make sense for each person. And I believe every person in the world is different, than every other person in the world.

I would not have sex with someone unless I was sure they had a clean bill of health though. And sex with prostitutes and doing the Crank seems to be in the "high risk behaviour" category. No STD's for this gal.

But - bearing those things in mind, would you have sex with someone like me? I would not accept money though. Maybe get me a little drunk first, that'd be cool.


P.S. This is not a sexual invitation, I'm just curious.