Thought this section was on hallucinatory drugs? not opiates and meth...


Well-Known Member
Take enough of any substance and you'll hallucinate..coke,method,opium dreams ring a bell..?
More so than a specific substance or class,we enjoy all substances here,without prejudice (cept salvia:-))and do it safely,or,well practice safe Drug consumption and pass along sound info,not grapevine horeshit..
Welcome to h.s.!
Not one bit. Was just curious why is all


It all makes sense to me. I'm a recovering drug addict, mostly pharmaceuticals. Recently took up organic growing methods. Stopped using everything except smoking my medicine and the occasional lsd self search lol


Well-Known Member
Because people are free to ask questions about any drug they want to here. I'm a firm believer in harm reduction, people are going to do drugs regardless of consequences so helping them do them in a less harmful manner means they're less likely to be killed by their use of said drugs.
We definitely love our psychedelics in here :)


Well-Known Member
Take enough of any substance and you'll hallucinate..coke,method,opium dreams ring a bell..?
More so than a specific substance or class,we enjoy all substances here,without prejudice (cept salvia:-))and do it safely,or,well practice safe Drug consumption and pass along sound info,not grapevine horeshit..
Welcome to h.s.!
What wrong with salvia?. I miss me some 80x.


Well-Known Member
I've personally never tried it as I don't like kappa agonists and I imagine it would be a terrible experience based on my experience with mild kappa agonists.


Telling me I didn't have to make a thread on it? That's being an asshole because it was only a simple question. I don't judge anybody when it comes to drugs because I've had my fair share of problems