Thought I would see how we deal with this issue.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
My two cents... I think you are going way off base with this. There is NO EVIDENCE that cannabis has a more negative effect on pregnancy than lettuce. Smoking reduces oxygen levels and therefore not 'best practice', but eating or vaping, even for rec use, is not getting your fetus high. Many thousands of pregnant women take pharmaceutical drugs that carry warnings about the dangers of poisoning or overdose in children, yet are 'safely' prescribed every day. And if she was made to sign a waiver for pot... why was she(and every other mother) not also required to sign similar documents for alcohol...a far more dangerous drug with known devastating results? There are many potential risks for expectant moms and babies, but I think weed is extremely low on that list. Just my opinion.
weed is low on the list. hospital did nothing wrong.

so youre saying baby doesnt get high if mommy eats or vapes? wow


Well-Known Member
weed is low on the list. hospital did nothing wrong.

so youre saying baby doesnt get high if mommy eats or vapes? wow
I have no idea if the baby gets 'high' or not...I said it is not overly harmful. Does a baby feel the caffeine 'high' when moms goes to Timmies? I'm not sure why you are wanting to argue...I simply gave my opinion...much like you did. You don't agree with me, fine, but me thinks you're being overly defensive. wow


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure I read some where that marijuana has been used for years by women during delivery. I will try to find that info. Got to be better than the crap they give women now for pain. However, I think we need to remind ourselves that some people who use for medicinal purposes don't get high. And how do you argue a high cbd strain that doesn't get anyone high? I have more faith in something that has been used by so many for so long with minimal adverse side effects, and I may even call those adverse effects anomolies.

c ray

Well-Known Member
I'd say living in a big city during pregnancy, inhaling smoggy air, drinking chlorinated and fluorinated water, hanging around people who smoke, using self serve gasoline, eating too much gluten, eating too much food with preservatives, eating chocolate, eating too much sugar laden food like ice cream for instance, eating out too much, not eating enough fresh and local food, not getting enough calcium from food, eating too much in general and not getting enough reasonable, exercise, living in shitty house with thick carpets, eating too much peanut butter, not drinking enough water, not breathing properly, watching too much crappy TV, spending too much time in traffic, working too much in the later stages of pregnancy, etc etc are prob just as bad or worse but of course being university indoctrinated er I mean educated you already know this..


Well-Known Member
I know this is going against the party line but if this was my kid I'd be making sure the other half would not be consuming any manufactured or natural chemicals while pregnant and that includes refined sugars and corn sugars and any other shit that goes into packaged foods. Basically I'd be spending lots of money on everything fresh. Yah yah there's chemicals in everything but if I can why not minimize it and possibly give the kid a healthier life.


Well-Known Member
I know this is going against the party line but if this was my kid I'd be making sure the other half would not be consuming any manufactured or natural chemicals while pregnant and that includes refined sugars and corn sugars and any other shit that goes into packaged foods. Basically I'd be spending lots of money on everything fresh. Yah yah there's chemicals in everything but if I can why not minimize it and possibly give the kid a healthier life.
Good luck with that when the pregnant half gets a craving for something, if she's anything like my better half, arguing that carrot sticks are a better choice than KFC and ice cream could be hazardous to the husbands well being! lol

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
I'd say living in a big city during pregnancy, inhaling smoggy air, drinking chlorinated and fluorinated water, hanging around people who smoke, using self serve gasoline, eating too much gluten, eating too much food with preservatives, eating chocolate, eating too much sugar laden food like ice cream for instance, eating out too much, not eating enough fresh and local food, not getting enough calcium from food, eating too much in general and not getting enough reasonable, exercise, living in shitty house with thick carpets, eating too much peanut butter, not drinking enough water, not breathing properly, watching too much crappy TV, spending too much time in traffic, working too much in the later stages of pregnancy, etc etc are prob just as bad or worse but of course being university indoctrinated er I mean educated you already know this..

indoctrinated? I wouldnt be on here if I was that brainwashed. as a responsible HUMAN being you try to reduce all these outside influences.

getting high when pregnant is not being responsible, nor is the junk food that follows. Now if youre a person that justifiably has medical issues its a little different.

majority of medical users are just recreational users with an excuse.


Well-Known Member
Haha ok...or you could take toxic pharmaceutical medications for anxiety and see what happens..know why I smoke cannabis for my anxiety? Cause I read the side effects for four other anxiety medications with side effects ranging from blood clots to stroke to suicidal tendencies. And also advised people not to take them if they were pregnant or breast feeding.

Two doctors actually straight up told us that there are zero compounds in cannabis that have ever harmed a baby. Smoke in general however..should be avoided and alternative ingestion methods were recommend. Endocannabinoid system ring any bells?
You do realize that when there is a list of 40 possible side effects on a particular drug, all that means is that one person in the study had that particular side effect. And they HAVE to list it. The funny thing is when they conduct these trials, they have a placebo group as well, and the placebo group most always has the same list of side effects. If marijuana had the same type of clinical trials, I almost guarantee you would see the same list of stupid side effects.
And Velvet, you are on a PRO-weed site. It is almost useless to try to get people to see it from your point of view. The have indoctrinated themselves into the thinking that there are NO side effects possible since they themselves have not experienced anything. Know your audience.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that when the pregnant half gets a craving for something, if she's anything like my better half, arguing that carrot sticks are a better choice than KFC and ice cream could be hazardous to the husbands well being! lol

Well if she can't handle her addiction/cravings for 9 months then she has no business getting pregnant especially if that is my kid. If it means I have to do the same so be it but there are times when you just have to do something other then "but what about me!?"


Well-Known Member
Well if she can't handle her addiction/cravings for 9 months then she has no business getting pregnant especially if that is my kid. If it means I have to do the same so be it but there are times when you just have to do something other then "but what about me!?"
Entitlement generation. ME ME ME NOW NOW NOOOWWWW


Well-Known Member
can ya picture the prego royal Kate smoking a bowl in the mornings ...... hence she isn't out.... they don't want people seeing her stoned!

"Send for the Royal Herb!"
"Yes mum"


Well-Known Member
I thought the Queen of old used to use mj for cramps? It's a natural product. Holy fuck kids are born everyday addicted to shit like heroin, coke....give me a break. I don't think there are no side effects, but show me ANY OTHER PHARMACEUTICAL that's used during pregnancy for whatever, that has a LD50 comparable to marijuana and I will take retract my earlier comments.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
and I stand true.

shouldnt be taking them pharmaceuticals either unless youve exhausted other options. in this case, try thc before you get some xanax or ambien, or fill in the blank.

my ma smoked cigs while pregnant, and her defense is back then they didnt know how dangerous. Dr's smoked in the office and you could smoke in the hospital room. and on planes, and in the shopping mall.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
It's a good thing nature is tougher than we are. Somehow babies are born despite all the unnatural products and environmental atmosphere's we are subjected to. Kids are built pretty resistant on a whole. I think nature builds in a lot of forgiveness in the pregnancy process in general. Otherwise we all would not have made it through birth to life.
I do believe a woman should be careful while pregnant, but somethings may be over kill and not be as harmful as it seems. I was born in a era of no pollution control on cars and people smoked cigs like fiends. Second hand smoke was everywhere....stink from cars was almost unbearable. Yet the babies still come....nature usually overcomes.
Ever stand beside a vehicle today with no cat in the exhaust. WOW...I wonder how we all lived really. Stand beside an old car and you'll remember...geez. None of us should be alive.
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Well-Known Member
Quick let's put every pregnant woman in a plastic bubble! Hasn't there been studies on this by now? I'm sure a good portion of every child born in the 70's and early 80's had stoner moms, we all turned out ok, mostly ;)


Well-Known Member
Well if she can't handle her addiction/cravings for 9 months then she has no business getting pregnant especially if that is my kid. If it means I have to do the same so be it but there are times when you just have to do something other then "but what about me!?"
Getting a little snippy with humour this morning? When did you decide it was your call as to whom was permitted to get pregnant? We weren't talking about YOUR kid, and other peoples kids are none of your business. Not everybody does, nor should they have to, share your opinions or morals. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that the other side is equally valid. And if you think med users are simply rec users with an excuse...try walking in my shoes for one day. I long for the days when I only used for fun.


Well-Known Member
so if we blow our hit in a toddlers face its child abuse, but we get high prego no matterr the style we do it its okay?

were on a ganja site, we all love the buddha, but my kid isnt getting high, and to tell you the truth I hope he never does.
Don't worry, if your kid is consuming breast milk he's getting high anyway (Ananamide).

Marijuana during pregnancy
Update ~ Dreher’s research has hit mainstream media. . An excerpt 3.20.2012:

Melanie Dreher, who is the dean of nursing at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, did a study in Jamaica. It was actually published in the American Journal of Pediatricsin 1994, but now it’s re-circulating because of all the interest in the neuroprotective properties.

Basically, she studied women during their entire pregnancy, and then studied the babies about a year after birth. And what she studied was a group of women who did smoke cannabis during pregnancy and those who didn’t. She expected to see a difference in the babies as far as birth weight and neuro tests, but there was no difference whatsoever. The differences that the researchers did notice, that are unexplained and kind of curious are that the babies of the women who had smoked cannabis — and we’re talking about daily use during their pregnancy — socialized more quickly, made eye contact more quickly and were easier to engage.

We don’t know why this is so, but all the old saws of smoking during pregnancy will result in low birth weight did not show up — at least in the Jamaican study. In U.S. studies where we’ve seen a similar investigation, women have concurrently been abusing alcohol and other drugs as well.
No signs of birth defects
A landmark study conducted in the 1990s by medical anthropologist Dr. Dreher, (co-author of the book Women and Cannabis: Medicine, Science, and Sociology), gave the medical world a different insight into the use of marijuana by pregnant women in Jamaica. Dreher found that marijuana was being used in a cultural and medical context, as a way to relieve morning sickness or nausea, prevent depression and fatigue, and improve appetites. Her team observed both the mothers who used marijuana and their infants; they reported that there were no signs of birth defects or of behavioral problems in the marijuana-exposed children either during the month after birth or even several years after.
