This stock has a 94.4% success rate, shoudl I invest in it?

bam bam

Active Member
I have done some research and calculations on this stock, and found out that I have a 5.5% chance of loosing all my money on this stock, but I also have a 94.4% chance of making a profit on this stock.

Should I invest in this stock?


Active Member
I have done some research and calculations on this stock, and found out that I have a 5.5% chance of loosing all my money on this stock, but I also have a 94.4% chance of making a profit on this stock.

Should I invest in this stock?
the stock market is a fool's game.. go invest in something that isnt manipulated by the rich on a daily basis..


Well-Known Member
If you have money to play with and you've done your research, then go play! If that stock is still preforming during these bad times then its probabliity to continue is good. Why not double, triple or quadruple your money?

bam bam

Active Member
If you dont smoke weed anymore so growing is only for profit.

If you invested in growing marijuana, and had a 5.5% chance of being busted and loosing all your equipment and have to pay a fine would you do it?

You have a 94.4% chance of making a profit on your grow though.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i grow for personal use 0% profit as a matter of fact i operate in the red every grow and my chance of getting busted are higher then 5.5% i roll the dice ,thats just me my kids are grown and out of the house the loss would only affect me

bam bam

Active Member
Lets say you're a pimp. You pimp women. You get a woman to work for you on a street corner, but there is a 5.5% chance she will get busted. She is willing to pay for most of her bail, but you have to help by paying a small portion of her bail.

There is a 94.4% chance she wont get busted, but she gives you a small cut of what her johns pay her because you protect her and help with her bail money.

Pimping aint easy, so would you invest in it?