This spider is no dummy!


Active Member
So outside my front door like most houses has a light. As you know light attracts bugs (duh) Now I must say I don't agree with his location, but he has it made. For the past 4 nights he has set up camp right at the top of my door across the jambs, from one side to the other. First night I walked right into it. Each night after I felt bad for wrecking all his hard work, so I ducked when coming or going ( hey, he was making a killing with bugs to eat) I swear he grew 4 times his size since, and his appetite is ferocious. No word of a lie, his ass is the size of my thumbnail.

The kicker? He cleans up after himself, in the morning the web is gone but be sure the next night it will be back. I'd take pics but I'm f'ing lazy. Maybe I'll toke up with him and see how his appetite grows from there. He sure is an ambitious mf'er.


Well-Known Member
I have one too. I caught a few bugs and threw them in it's web. It was awesome......


God damn it's spider season right now... they ALWAYS make huge webs in front of my front door because we have a little porch awning... Cept these things are the size of literally a fucking quarter to a half dollar.

To top it off they've infested the outside of my work... Black fucking Widows... the size of quarters!
