This Soft Pots good for Growing?

They're good but you automatically lose at least 1-2 inch all around the diameter of the pot. Roots will never fill that area and it dries much faster than the center of the pot.
I see maxed out roots as a good thing. The time and energy spent is worth it to me. Some people like them, some don’t. They definitely don’t prevent roots from growing in the outer two inches.
Only trick is to NEVER let them truly dry out and I like to avoid peat dominant substrates in general but I feel like peat is the worst substrate to use in fabrics. Coco never goes hydrophobic
So not good to buy the Soft Pots?

Totally depends on the soil recipie

You could take a cheap nylon stocking or some cheese cloth, load it up with a few cups of your grow media, “water” it and put it somewhere to sit. Feel the weight of it and when it feels dryer, poke around and see if the middle is too wet while the outsides are too dry.

Avoid a cotton/thick sock, cotton retains water like a mofo.

Ya know… I’m going to do this myself today if I have time to stop at the dollar store. Next couple weeks would be a good time for me to do this same “study”.
This isn’t true. My coco becomes one solid piece with roots weaving through every inch of the pot. It take me a decent amount of time and energy to tear them apart.

If you're doing coco obviously it won't matter since you're keeping the roots wet. I would rather not use fabric pots for coco since you're watering so much but whatever floats your boat. Coco is a pain in plastic yet alone fabric that dries every few hours and leaks from the sides every watering.
If you're doing coco obviously it won't matter since you're keeping the roots wet. I would rather not use fabric pots for coco since you're watering so much but whatever floats your boat. Coco is a pain in plastic yet alone fabric that dries every few hours and leaks from the sides every watering.
You shouldn't have massive leaks out the sides if you are watering properly.
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I hated cloth pots. Mind you I was doing something diff at the time and tried a few fabric pots. I'll pass. For the way I run it doesn't work for me. But I'm sure others have success with them. Good ol' faithful... plastic pots for me.
The key to fabric pots is watering slowly and keeping them elevated. Also some brands just suck. What I noticed was the thicker the better. Thin ones sometimes don't sit right, get deformed and have side leak issues.