This Should Concern Everyone....2016

i dont recall Bebe making any holocaust invocations save in response to, for example achmedinejihad "Totally Not Saying "wiped off the map" But Saying Shit His Own Press Office Translated That Way"

however your arguments do stand up when applied to Blacks in america, for whom slavery is a gris gris they hold close, and nurture. even BHO who has not ONE DROP of slave blood in his veins trotted that one out, to his dismay.

some clowns have a whipping boy they trot out at every opportunity, for some it's the spectre of Monsanto, for others it's the secrets revealed by the Troofers, for others it's the conspiracy theories about JFK, for others it's space aliens chem trails and a mystery "syndrome" that only afflicts mental patients and nutcases.

sometimes it's fun to poke them with a stick and watch them flail, but echii is a particularly vile specimen.

you might recall his invocation of the "rothschilds" in the GMO thread, and in his deranged world, even JP Morgan and the rockerfellers are servants of the vast conspiracy which he takes such pains to never associate with JEWS, but avails of every opportunity to point his crooked finger and shout J' ACCUSE!!! at any member of the hebrew community who is insufficiently apologetic to achmediniejihad and his cronies.

it's not TECHNICALLY Jew Bashing, it's just a consistent pattern of bashing Jews.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, Im not saying it wasn't horrible and I'm not saying Israel has no right to exist nor did I discuss a global Zionist-piggy-banker conspiracy.

Im saying there are few who lived it left alive, so it's time to move on and stop trying to use it as justification for their aggressive foreign and domestic policy.
I'm Jewish and am just so pissed off no one filled me on the conspiracy :-) In all seriousness, I am Jewish and have to agree that the US's blind support of Israel and their apartheid-like policies needs to be addressed. Of course, we give them all that money to buy weapons from US companies so it is corporate welfare as much as anything. Same goes with Egypt. It does piss me off how most Jews in the US defend anything Isreal does. This is not the case in Israel where there is much more debate. It makes us no better than many of those in the Arab world who will defend the killing of innocent Israelies and Americans. Two wrongs never make a right. We should all be very concerned that today, the biggest supports of AIPAC are not jews, it is fundamentalist Christians anxious for the revelations. The truth in my opinion is that putting the holy land for Judaism, Islam and Christianity in the hands of any faith based government was a mistake. The Palestinian people have a legitimate historical and current gripe but have time and time again fucked their own case through their own extremism.

If we got Israel to make up for the Holocaust, then why the fuck didn't they give us Germany instead????
dude. on national holocaust remembrance day he gets a pass on remembrance of the holocaust.

paddies celebrate the easter uprising every year, and that shit was more than 100 years ago.
Actually it was 97 years ago and meh...

There are many many more, I just picked the most recent.
fuck you and your maths.

wot u m8?

u wanna go?

Choo fink U bedder'n me?

imma spark you out!

Theirry Henri is da best footballer!

hmm so much wrong

south shields isnt ireland

your feigned accent isnt ireland

to the best of my knowledge Theirry Henri (arsenal) isn't high on irelands wish list

not sure who your trying to insult with this post but i can inform you its a wild flail thats misses all the marks pretty spectacularly
Uncle buck, what about a married with 1 kid? What is the tax on that?

All the other peeps in this thread are confusing the fuck outta me.
Uncle buck, what about a married with 1 kid? What is the tax on that?

All the other peeps in this thread are confusing the fuck outta me.

all depends on how much you guys make as a family of three.

133% of poverty qualifies for medicaid, and 133% of poverty for a family of three is about $25k a year at the moment (may vary in alaska and hawaii).

above that, it works on a sliding scale of sorts, but by law your premiums can't go above a certain percentage of your income.

My kid will be covered till 5 under medicaid... unless that changes with obama care. I get medicaid now for being preg and poorish.

My kid will be covered till 5 under medicaid... unless that changes with obama care. I get medicaid now for being preg and poorish.

obamacare expands medicaid (although i think states can opt out of that expansion now thanks to the SCOTUS ruling, could be wrong on that though).

however, $28k is going to probably put you just out of the medicaid cutoff as it is about 150% of poverty for a family of three. in that case, you're looking at about 4% of your income, about $1100 to 1200 a year. your premiums by law should not be able to exceed that number.

however, a fear mongering righty with a raging obama hate boner will be along shortly to scare you into believing otherwise. they will probably reel off some diatribe about how you're going to be charges $27,500 to have the privilege of watching obama eat your unborn baby raw as you are strapped down to a medieval torture chair and infected with commie fluoride from an AIDS ridden, rusty needle.

wait for it...

I'm actually republican/conservative. I have a different definition of what a republican is, compared to what some republicans portray in congress and senate.

I am on the fence about this whole obamacare thing. Now that it has passed, I really just have to wait and see what happens.

I wish things were simpler and easier to understand. Bills have so many different clauses and backreading that you have to do before you can understand them.
I'm actually republican/conservative. I have a different definition of what a republican is, compared to what some republicans portray in congress and senate.

I am on the fence about this whole obamacare thing. Now that it has passed, I really just have to wait and see what happens.

I wish things were simpler and easier to understand. Bills have so many different clauses and backreading that you have to do before you can understand them.

a righty, eh? you must be more of an eisenhower republican then, since you are convinced that the sky remains firmly in place with no chance of imminent collapse.

chances are that obamacare will be one of those things we will never, ever be able to get rid of once implemented, like SS and medicare. it will be too popular in all likelihood.
a righty, eh? you must be more of an eisenhower republican then, since you are convinced that the sky remains firmly in place with no chance of imminent collapse.

chances are that obamacare will be one of those things we will never, ever be able to get rid of once implemented, like SS and medicare. it will be too popular in all likelihood.

Events following Clinton's Healthcare Address to Congress through March 1994

December 2, 1993 - Leading conservative operative William Kristol privately circulates a strategy document to Republicans in Congress. Kristol writes that congressional Republicans should work to "kill" -- not amend -- the Clinton plan because it presents a real danger to the Republican future: Its passage will give the Democrats a lock on the crucial middle-class vote and revive the reputation of the party. Nearly a full year before Republicans will unite behind the "Contract With America," Kristol has provided the rationale and the steel for them to achieve their aims of winning control of Congress and becoming America's majority party. Killing health care will serve both ends. The timing of the memo dovetails with a growing private consensus among Republicans that all-out opposition to the Clinton plan is in their best political interest. Until the memo surfaces, most opponents prefer behind-the-scenes warfare largely shielded from public view. The boldness of Kristol's strategy signals a new turn in the battle. Not only is it politically acceptable to criticize the Clinton plan on policy grounds, it is also politically advantageous. By the end of 1993, blocking reform poses little risk as the public becomes increasingly fearful of what it has heard about the Clinton plan.
a righty, eh? you must be more of an eisenhower republican then, since you are convinced that the sky remains firmly in place with no chance of imminent collapse.

chances are that obamacare will be one of those things we will never, ever be able to get rid of once implemented, like SS and medicare. it will be too popular in all likelihood.
3 more years lol. We shall see what happens I suppose.

MY husband has a option for health care at work, but it would be 400 dollars a month for a family plan. It's not a very big network I imagine. I have looked over the papers for it and it just didnt seem like it was worth the money.

Plus 400 dollars a month would leave us no money for other things, like home repair, buying baby clothes/diapers/furniture, emergencies, etc.

1100 a year ( if that is what it is) is not too bad. If it covers things such as heart disease, cancers and brain, then it has covered what most people want in a health insurance.

So like I said, I am on the fence. We will see what the plan entails.
hmm so much wrong

south shields isnt ireland

your feigned accent isnt ireland

to the best of my knowledge Theirry Henri (arsenal) isn't high on irelands wish list

not sure who your trying to insult with this post but i can inform you its a wild flail thats misses all the marks pretty spectacularly


The image is a Chav (british hilbilly, note the Burberry shirt)
Theirry Henri played for england, when his infamous Handball robbed ireland of their dreams of World Cup Glory,
i can only asssmue you are "Taking the Piss" when feigning ignorance of the chav/ned dialect.

i assumed everyone would get the references to the 3000+ year rivalry between england and ireland.