This should be interesting!

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Old in the way what meters did you buy also what nutes are you growing right now and what kinda set up are you running ..Hydro right? i havent looked in you journal yet
Blue Lab Truncheon for EC/TDS
Eutech PhTester10-Ph

Hydro, yes
Just switched to Dutch Master Gold 2 part Grow formula (at 50% for weeks 2-4 of veg)
35% H2O2-Labeled as SuperOxy at the hydro shop 1.7ml/L nute solution.
Using Rapid Rooter plugs and clay pellets--working well
I have no grow journal and no pics (yet). Always was a little gun shy about to much online info about my op-Haven't really needed to post pics to get answers for my probs yet and I am trying to avoid it. I have SoG/Perpetual Harvest op modeled after Al B. Fuct's. It is a little bigger than his because i smoke 5-6lbs a month (lol).

I have a veg room with plants that are btween 2-4 weeks old at this time-soon to become mums and I will keep a couple males to play with some breeding-I have started seeting up a breeding room(closet) elsewhere in the house.

The veg room has drip irrigation in a 4x8 tray with 70G res (they are all clustered at one end now to take advantage of the light till they get a bit bigger) Run 1kw MH in a SunSystem reflector on a 6' light rail for the veg tray, 120 cell aerocloner and a heatmat for cloning the old school way as well-4bulb floro over the aerocloner. Exhaust and lights cooled with 6" vortex fans. I am having to humidify this room right now.

In the flower room there are 3-8x4 flood/drain trays and 3-70G resevoirs each serviced by 1kw HPS on lightrails as well. All lights are using SunSystem Reflectors with glass lenses and are air cooled with 6" vortex fans, all the other normal stuff as well, 8"Vortex exhaust fan, 8" carbon filter, fans, dehumidifier, IR block, mylar, etc. My Central HVAC is seperately zoned for those rooms and i moved the the thermostat in there, I also had 240v outlets instaled for all lights so they use fewer amps and heavier guage wire on the circuits dedicated to the rooms. (I am not going down because the fire dept shows up to a blaze) I am going to harvest each tray 19-21 days apart-so every 19-21 days i need to put a full tray of clones into flower--works out to 3 harvests every 60 days+,-.

I have the advantage of lots of space, time and resources so i went kind of big on the op....but I am still new at the canniculture thing so I am taking my time doing my research and monitoring things closely. So far so good though--and I will eventually post a few pics.

BTW I give the DutchMaster Gold 2 thumbs up. It has been great.


Active Member
Well that was some useful info ....:clap: Most of my stuff should be arriving Fed ex soon ...cant wait to set it all up ...ordered diff parts from diff places everything is arriving at diffrent times ..ordered my meters too ..i bought seperate meters Bluelab Truncheon tds -- and one for Ph... AL B made a statement that the ph ones broke on him. Ill have to try it out and see how it is

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Cool man, sounds like you are on your way.

FYI--Some folks incluiding Al ar enot big fans of light movers for the fact that you are dealing with lux/hours instead of straight lumens (or PAR watts as is the case with plants) due to the inconsistent coverage while the light is at one end of the table or the other--my flower trays and light movers are set-up like a big U and therefore all lights overlap at 4 of the 6 ends of my trays. Also i am using intellirail motors or something like that wher you can set the motor to pause (1-60 sec) at each end of the tracks.

But, to each his own and my lay-out works with rails. Check out some info and make sure they are right for you (motors are 200usd and up) so it does add some cost to the set-up.
Adios man, I am headed out for a long wekend. See you when we see you. Good luck on set-up as your equipment arrives.

-Old Way:weed:


Active Member
HAHAHAha:o i guess i should have been more specific lol...Tracking as fedEX ...go smoke some more hash plz and smoke some for me