This should be interesting!


Well-Known Member
like u were never a noob,u still sound like 1

Go to my threads and you will never find a question that is not educated and well researched. I have no issue with new people coming here to gather info and then asking educated questions there are quite a few new people that truly want to learn the art of hydro unfortunately your not one of them

. When you post questions that have no use in the hydro section and they are lazy ones to boot yes i will get in your ass!!

I might sound like one but obviously you didn't even look at my grow smart guy.


Active Member
oh,ur mr perfect,people come onto this form and see people writing threads, so they as a question,the desent thing a member should do is point them to the faq, but no, u just shout abuse at them, to fuck off and learn themselves.ur some guy


Well-Known Member
yes its true im a noob.. not scared to admit ...1st time grow ...ive been doing alot of research for the past 8 months about growing hydro....! well i just ordered all the parts,264gph pump,tubing, air diffusers and anything else you could possible think of to assemble a 8 bucket recirculating dwc .Using 5 gallon buckets all black all tubing black..i have a 18 gallon control that is hooked up to a 40 gallon trash can for rez.. I have just got done ordering 2 600watt hps/mh digital ballist from GTH supply ..they will be here in no time i hope...How is GTH supply they get decent reviews..I know I know i have to get a tds and ph meter very hesitent on buying and expensive one that has everything i need or buying each 1 individually.If anyone has some good feed back on some decent meters and which meters you curently use.. Im very excited on starting my 1st the next big step is deciding on the best nutes to use for a 8 bucket recirculating dwc...Which im still undicided on at the moment...Any suggestions or experience with nutes and additives with this system...I would greatly appreciate any feed back from anyone on this matter it would be very helpful...I planned on growing WW just to keep it simple ..not trying multiple strains for my 1st time around.. Has anyone had experience with this Hydro style setup growing WhiteWidow..What was your technique on keeping your ph/ec/tds/ppm's in spec ...and what were those specs on your cycle from veg to harvest....i Hope to get some great feed back on everything i have metioned ...I hope to see noobs like me and vet growers reply... i would love to see the comparison between diff people. TIME TO SMOKE and GO TO WORK !! Peace out
Sorry Johnny

I saw your avitar and lost my train of thought then the great benson chimed in and i really lost the train of thought.

If you have done your homework and it looks like you have ( other than your avatar) you are looking good !! as far as getting started you will find that your never done with your room LOL

i would spend as much money as you can afford on the meters. You can get the cheap ones but they will be a pain in the ass in a while and you will spend the money anyways.

I too am growing WW so far so good although i do have very different plants from the seeds i got some a very tall and some a short and bushy. remember keep it very simple your first grow !! that's the best advise i could give you.

Hydro will work you over in a heart beat and having complex nutes and what not only will compound that.

Keep it as simple as possible and you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
oh,ur mr perfect,people come onto this form and see people writing threads, so they as a question,the desent thing a member should do is point them to the faq, but no, u just shout abuse at them, to fuck off and learn themselves.ur some guy
Hey smart guy i believe your the one that went after Old in the new way about being up ABF's ass and your the new guy on the block??? show some respect to those who have done their own homework growing successfully and or want to learn how.

Lazy people i have no use for. If you have spent any time on this site you would not have to ask stupid questions because the answers are right in front of you.

OH and use your spell check smart guy!!


Active Member
Sorry Johnny

I saw your avitar and lost my train of thought then the great benson chimed in and i really lost the train of thought.

If you have done your homework and it looks like you have ( other than your avatar) you are looking good !! as far as getting started you will find that your never done with your room LOL

i would spend as much money as you can afford on the meters. You can get the cheap ones but they will be a pain in the ass in a while and you will spend the money anyways.

I too am growing WW so far so good although i do have very different plants from the seeds i got some a very tall and some a short and bushy. remember keep it very simple your first grow !! that's the best advise i could give you.

Hydro will work you over in a heart beat and having complex nutes and what not only will compound that.

Keep it as simple as possible and you will be fine.
now was that hard giving a newbie a piece of advice,do u feel better about urself now,rather than tell him to fuck off and learn by himself


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys ..Cant wait for all my shit to come Fedex..Ill start a grow jounal as soon as i get it up and running..from start to finish...So ive calculated how much i spent on all my Equipment for a 6-8 bucket recirculating dwc.. $486$ for 2 600watt hps/mh digital ballist delivery included...all the fittings, tubing,buckets, lids with nets,264 gph water pump, Two-4 valve air pumps ,float valve,hydroton grow rocks=$302$ ..This price is piled together from diffrent shops in the US.This is not including If you need to set up your grow room with ventalation or do a little construction to a room...Which i did not have to include ..I have a perfect room also helps when you live out in the woods around no one ...No neighbors...ventalation is not an issue at all either...oh thats right havent gotten around to the tds and hyrometers yet or the nutes meters roughly $$300$$ they do have cheaper ones though...Just have to hunt for it....Nutes can range depending on your op for Price...OH and the best of it all seeds..almost 200 for 15 seeds 3 diff included...and im pretty sure there are a couple things im missing ... Oh 18 gallon controller 8.97$ 40 gallon rez $18.95... So if You go this Route be prepaired to spent between 850-1200 depending on how good you can bargan shop


Active Member
Hey smart guy i believe your the one that went after Old in the new way about being up ABF's ass and your the new guy on the block??? show some respect to those who have done their own homework growing successfully and or want to learn how.

Lazy people i have no use for. If you have spent any time on this site you would not have to ask stupid questions because the answers are right in front of you.

OH and use your spell check smart guy!!
r u and the OLD boy havin a fling,u gotta stick up 4 him.i didnt ask any stupid my spelling annoying u

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
WTF is with Benson. My Old ass has a date with a 29 yr.old--right now, sushi and sex is on the agenda (oh ya she is female benson) maybe I'll include her in my grow journal. LOL. First date since i have been separated.
Unless you count my late night sessions with Al. LOL.


We apologize for kids like Benson, I have blue jeans older than he is.(And don't try and argue that Benson). You will be fine-I assure you. Definately spend it on the meters-I think 134 and 115 is what mine cost +,-.

Spark is good people and knows whats going on (so far as I can tell from previous posts of his I have been involved with) And he is in San Diego so that moves him up a couple notches in my book automatically. They DO know how to grow it in SD-speaking from experience. Love SCal almost as much as the NW.

You guys have at it. My shit just finished its midday watering and is looking sweeeeet-I am days away from cutting clones........can't wait. I will check on the thread when I have stuffed myself (and my date hopefully). LOL.
Sry Johnny couldn't resist.

Alright i finished my liquor drink and am gone till later.

BTW Where do I get a cool Avatar-I stopped short of just making mine a.....nevermind.


Active Member
MMMM i love soco (souther comfort) so damn sweet.. Old in the way what meters did you buy also what nutes are you growing right now and what kinda set up are you running ..Hydro right? i havent looked in you journal yet ..havent had time even if you do have looking forward to some other comments about this system im going with i hope to here some more advice soon about this system....and the pros and cons about it .. ill be back later on in the day to check on any replys