This should be a fun one! 25ftx25ftx8ft

A 25'x25' foot print is not conducive to making optimal usage of your area with 2 10'x10' rooms. Add 2' to each side and you're left with half the space unused. How often would you like to harvest? Having a large flower space enables you to stage plants so you can put new plants into the 12/12 photoperiod and harvest on a staggered schedule.

Can you share any more details on this area you're intending to grow in? Is the 8' height from floor to ceiling?
I’ve never done a big grow like this before. As I’ve seen other people say my original idea isn’t the best for optimal use. I guess I’ll be doing 1 veg and maybe 2-3 flower rooms.
I was thinking maybe from ceiling to the floor would be about 8ft.
I would like to harvest every 2-3 months
this is not happening lol
Went to the bank yesterday about a loan. I found out what I need to know with that. This Saturday I’ll be going to the site where I intended on building it. From Saturday I’ll create an LLC. Then apply for commercial grow license. It says it can take up to 2 weeks to hear anything back about being approved/ denied. If approved, the building begins.
Be sure to follow along buddy
Went to the bank yesterday about a loan. I found out what I need to know with that. This Saturday I’ll be going to the site where I intended on building it. From Saturday I’ll create an LLC. Then apply for commercial grow license. It says it can take up to 2 weeks to hear anything back about being approved/ denied. If approved, the building begins.
Be sure to follow along buddy
mate i do this for a living and most people well 9 out of 10 do not post what they need on a live forum they do there research then source the product or contact someone like me to fit out there rooms not look for ideas on a forum
mate i do this for a living and most people well 9 out of 10 do not post what they need on a live forum they do there research then source the product or contact someone like me to fit out there rooms not look for ideas on a forum
Im not trying to discredit you or anything. That’s great that you do that for a living. I’ve done some research on it and wanted to get some ideas. This is going to be a big change for me and I would like to hear all sides. Don’t put me out yet. I’m doing this Foreal. This is going to happen. Know what I mean?
Im not trying to discredit you or anything. That’s great that you do that for a living. I’ve done some research on it and wanted to get some ideas. This is going to be a big change for me and I would like to hear all sides. Don’t put me out yet. I’m doing this Foreal. This is going to happen. Know what I mean?
i no what u mean and it aint happening peace
You are growing out a home or business? I'm sure there are a lot of regulations your missing if here was your first stop? IDK tho

GL - is this like Missouri or somewhere that just legalized it?
Yeah just read again, so have you ever even grown before? I'm just not clear I guess are you looking for basically like a 25' x 25' grow room business plan here?
Yeah just read again, so have you ever even grown before? I'm just not clear I guess are you looking for basically like a 25' x 25' grow room business plan here?
In Canada you can’t make any money growing leagly The government won’t let you with all the taxes. Maybe with a 100000 square meter building and a tobacco company backing you
In Canada you can’t make any money growing leagly The government won’t let you with all the taxes. Maybe with a 100000 square meter building and a tobacco company backing you
What do you mean? The government tax too high or your not allowed to make a living small scale growing?
What is the tax on a grower?
Yeah just read again, so have you ever even grown before? I'm just not clear I guess are you looking for basically like a 25' x 25' grow room business plan here?
No, I was really just kinda looking for grow room set up ideas. I’ve pretty much gathered some ideas and figured out how I’m going to have the layout. If I would’ve known a lot of people were gonna talk shit and whatnot, I wouldn’t have asked a weed growing community. I figured as a community, it might help me gather ideas on how to set up a grow groom. I’ve only done 4x4’s. This is my first big run
What do you mean? The government tax too high or your not allowed to make a living small scale growing?
What is the tax on a grower?
Tax on square footage and thc content takes about 6 months from seed to sale with the loopholes and you have to give them access to every strain. And the building has to be approved before a license is issued
If it was me I’d use several big tents so that way you can have the room act as a lung and adjust each tent as needed for the environment needed.