This must be the most embarrassing book an author has ever written.


New Member
Jerry Bowyer confronts the critics and offers clear and convincing evidence that the Bush Administration fixed a broken economy, boosting the fastest economic turnaround since President Ronald Regan.
What a fucking joke. He ought to be on SNL.


New Member
Let's see ... Hmmm ... Bush only has a few more days in office. Tuesday, your Messiah will be sworn into office during his elaborate coronation. What will you Bush Haters be hating next?

I suspect the nation's mental therapists will be working overtime treating your mental illness due to your frustrations and turned-inward anger.



Well-Known Member
I really like Alice's review:
" Finally! A book that proves the existence of an alternate universe. Obviously, a rip in the space/time continuum between this universe and the other universe where Bush is presiding over a 'boom economy opened up and this book fell through. Can there be ANY other explanation?"