This looks like more than over-watering to me...little help?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I've got a relatively small grow going on, for someone with a medecinal permit in my state. It's 4' x 6' x 6' high. 600ww digital ballast (uses both MH and HPS). The Ph of my soil and water are fine, both hover a little above 6 on the scale. Right now they are a month and a week. I have only used nutes once, that was about 2 weeks ago, 2 weeks into veg. plus the problem started before then. I keep the MH nearly 3 feet above them, and heat is good as well. Temps stay around 70 in the day, sometimes as low as 50 at night but thats rare. Everything is ok, my soil mix is good and drains, Ive grown before, but Ive never seen water damage this bad. All my other grows were outdoors so I don't know everything about indoor yet.

I over-watered them for a little while when they were real young. Some were so damaged that the new growth was too badly stunted to continue with, and these 6 plants were topped. They have healthier looking new growth and the other, untopped plants are also coming in a little healthier. Even many of the effected plants are doing much better. As a matter of fact some are even thriving while a few don't show any sign at all. It seemed to hurt certain varieties more than others.

My Barney's G13 Haze came through it the best. only one was stunted but is catching up, still doing pretty good. some show damage on fan leaves but new growth is good and they are relatively large and healthy.

The Blackberry (VISC) made it thru... alright, i guess. Only had to top 2 of these, I think, but several are stunted and just smaller than most others. several are healthy amd doing great but still show the leaf damage

The last variety has really been hit hard by this. Its Fuckin' Incredible" (VISC), and I think most of them were so deformed that only a couple could be left untopped. While the new growth looks better, small distortions still show up occasionally... this even happens to other varieties, just not very bad.

Anyway, I'm gonna post a few pictures:

1) This is a pic of the whole garden. alot of the plants along the back are the stunted ones, the bushy healthy ones are mostly G13s and some Blackberrys, although the plant right in the middle is one of the topped plants that has nearly kept up with the larger ones. this is to give you an idea of the size compared to how they should be doing.
2) This is about the most damaged one, This looks like more than water damage to me. It's a Fuckin' Incredible thats been topped to promote healthier new growth (since it seems the old never heals)
3) Heres the same one from a different POV, there appears to be nute burn even though I've only used nutrients once, and it was at less than 1/4 strength
4) This Blackberry was effected (you can see many misshaped fan leaves), but it is really healthy and vigorous and doing well.
5) This Fuckin' Incredible was really damaged, but is butting in good new growth and is only a little smaller than the larger plants.
6) Another Blackberry that has many damaged leaves but seems ok now.

Here is the basic question, what is this? I've seen over-watering show itself by curling the leaves, but not by distorting them this much. Any Idea what could have caused this? The problem seemed to correct itself when I transplanted from the larger pots into the bigger pots and moved them into their new home with the 600w MH (for now), But I don't want to repeat this same mistake again, does anyone recognize this?



Well-Known Member
wow dude either your light is way to close or your using to much nutes , do a flush now before any more damage happens


Well-Known Member
What I dont get is how some could end up so uglyand mal-formed that I had to top them in order for new growth to come out the top, but some are beautiful! same conditions and strains!

here's pics:

1) G13 Haze sativa pheno, doing perfectly fine.
2) G13 Haze Indica pheno, just beautiful
3) Blackberry, doing very good as well
4) Standing back and looking at the whole thing you can barely tell anything is really wrong!

So I treated all these plants with the same care, but some are ugly as hell while some look almost picture perfect for thier age. I've only grown outdoors before, but if this is overwatering its the worst case I've ever seen. I hope someone can help me. I dont want to ever do this again, whatever it was. Please I hope to hear from someone who has seen this before. I think I fixed it but I need to know what it was so I dont end up doing it again before harvest or something. any help appreciated!!!



Well-Known Member
What I dont get is how some could end up so uglyand mal-formed that I had to top them in order for new growth to come out the top, but some are beautiful! same conditions and strains!

here's pics:

1) G13 Haze sativa pheno, doing perfectly fine.
2) G13 Haze Indica pheno, just beautiful
3) Blackberry, doing very good as well
4) Standing back and looking at the whole thing you can barely tell anything is really wrong!

So I treated all these plants with the same care, but some are ugly as hell while some look almost picture perfect for thier age. I've only grown outdoors before, but if this is overwatering its the worst case I've ever seen. I hope someone can help me. I dont want to ever do this again, whatever it was. Please I hope to hear from someone who has seen this before. I think I fixed it but I need to know what it was so I dont end up doing it again before harvest or something. any help appreciated!!!
- heat stress
- over nuteing

haven't seen over watering doing that , I have BC Mango plants that I soak the soil and its dry by the next night and its not even hot in my room


Well-Known Member
wow dude either your light is way to close or your using to much nutes , do a flush now before any more damage happens
Yes thanks for the advice. The 600w MH is 2 and a half feet away, and I've only used nutes once. Also I have flushed appx. 6 gallons of water through each pot. I'll be doing that again tomorrow This started way before I ever added any nutes with watering, and I only ever did that once. It sped up thier growth, and a few tips got nute burn but that was all that happened then. it is a consistant 70 degrees right at the canopy when the light is on, I have really good ventilation these problems started before the fertilizer abd the current lighting. If you look at some of the other pics, you will see that even the fucked up ones are growing regular leaves now, and some of those plants are pretty big for their age. It actually looks uglier than it is, because all it seems to have done is remove some of the leaf area so the plant cant take up as much, thus growing slower.

II should mention that the temp was ok, had only used nutes once in 1/4 reccomended strength and also flushed about 5 days later, and that the light was quite a ways away from the plants. even during seedling stage the cfls were at least 5 inches away, and the MH has never been closer than 2 feet.

Basically I've already ruled out it being nute lock our damage from the 600w light or the CFLs, I have been very careful with all of these things. can you think of anything else? because these issues developed before either the hot lighting or the nutrients came into play, And I'm sure is from something else.

When they were seedlings I misted them, but Since they were just under CFLs I thought it would be ok, could that have caused the heat damage? having water on the leaves while about 4 inches from a CFL?

- If i thought It was nute lock or leaf burn I wouldnt be here, I would have read the faq and fixed it. These pictures dont look like anything in the faq that I could find. It isnt nute lock or leaf burn. It's something not covered in the FAQ that I could find.
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Well-Known Member
if its not that maybe the light is to close , up your hand on the top of your plants with the back of your hand facing up, if its to hot for you then its to hot for your plants


Well-Known Member
if its not that maybe the light is to close , up your hand on the top of your plants with the back of your hand facing up, if its to hot for you then its to hot for your plants
- Ok I'm being open to everyone or anything suggested. I went out and tried holding my hand above the tops of the closest plants. I could hold it there forever, I could hardly feel any heat. I have solved the problem, all new growth is vigorous and normal, just so everyone knows. Attached is a photo taken today. I'm trying to figure out what i did wrong so I don't do it again. Could it just have been the worst case of over-watering ever? It looks different, but.... thats all I really know of that I did wrong.

- Is it possible that watering them and leaving excess water on the plants could magnify the light of the floros they were under at the time, and that magnified flourescent light could burn foliage that would normally be ok being the distance from the light that it was? does that make sense to people?


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Well-Known Member
aaa the common water on the plants turning into a magnify glass if that's what you think it is then it might be but if your using cfl and there's no big drops it shouldn't relay matter


Well-Known Member
What is your soil PH? What is the PH of the water you are using? Lockout of micronutes can often cause deformation like that. Sometimes its genetic too I've had plants that do that early in veg and then seem to be fine later in the grow.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah that is funny.

The problem was definitely the water acting like a magnifying glass. I have only grown outdoors until this grow, and had never heard anything about this previously. This was never a problem in the out of doors. Now I have my timer at 18/6 and I always water right after the 600w MH and Floros turns off. I turn the floros on again while I water just so I can see, but that was the problem. The light was getting trapped and magnifying, and it ended up burning and almost killing some of these guys when they were younger. I have had a great recovery though, I'll post some more recent pics. I somehow managed to burn the tips of a couple branches again about a month ago, but I am really careful when I water and the garden seems to be doing fine. Many of the variety I topped to help them make new growth show 4 times the amount of growth as their untopped brothers and sisters. So If you are used to growing outside, make sure that if you decide to move inside, you only water when the lights are off, otherwise that water will burn your leaves. I mean, I was so careful with everything, people were telling me nutes when it happened before I used them, and that my light was too close when it was 3 feet away. It actually happend when they were still seedlings under the floro lights, they were close, and some got fucked up. well, thats an indoor lesson learned, :peace: out!

