This Light Work With Growin???


Well-Known Member
so i have a 400 w HPS from homedepot, it was like 20 bucks, and i was wondering if this light works well and whats my yeild gonna look like? Think i should go for the 100$ light

captain pothead

Active Member
I work at HD. I never seen a 400 watt hps. I did score adeal on some 100 watt hps fixtures with bulbs for $17. They were on clearance and were original $79. I never seen anythiung bigger than 100 watt.


Well-Known Member
ya, well i stole one and im usin it, and i was wondering cuz my plants are showin signs of heat stress so im thinkin it could be the light maybe, but ya homedepot got them 400w HPS light bulbs for 20 bucks. cheap . cheapest id seen or heard so i hadta c ;) ya know?


Well-Known Member
400 watt hps for $20?! Are you guys sure maybe the bulb but the light itself?! If this is true i'm going to home depot tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
well it is just the bulb, light....light but i dont seem them any cheaper than 60, and thats not for a 400w


Well-Known Member
oh its got that coating, yeah it will still work you just get a lower lumen output. So it will be a little less ideal for growing